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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.19-31

Hymns, songs & music

Related to the Bible readings

Click here for an article on choosing the opening hymn or song for worship.


Suggestions from Adult & All Ages

(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)

All heaven declares
Be still and know that I am God

Blessed Thomas, doubt no longer (NEH)
Breathe on me, breath of God
Christ has risen while earth slumbers (EOA, CH4, HGSP)
Jesus, stand among us
Jesus, the name high over all
Light’s glitt’ring morn (AMNS, CP, HTC, ICF)
O Breath of life, come sweeping through
O God, our help in ages past
Such enchantment, sudden strangeness   
Whatever name or creed (Stainer & Bell)
Thuma mina (CG, CH4, CHE, SG)
The peace of the Lord be always with you (STF)
This joyful Eastertide, what need is there for grieving (BPW, HP, JP, STF)
We have come as the family of God (SG)
When Easter to the dark world came (HP, RS)

Key to abbreviations


Song for the issue

‘Above the voices of the world around me’ by Timothy Dudley-Smith
(Hymns Ancient and Modern and Sing Praise).

In many church communities the forty days of Lent are a time to take stock of the way we live out our lives as Christians. In parishes in the Roman Catholic Church, a special Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults provides for an intense preparation for baptism at the Easter Vigil, often scripture-based, and aimed at a change of life. The whole parish accompanies the candidates, inspired by and inspiring them, and the words of this hymn somehow express what every member of the community is called to face in the journey of faith. It is a song for a grown-up faith that takes responsibility, a reflective song which could be sung at Communion, or at a service of commitment.

The tune ASTON ROWANT is set in some books, but the text also fits the LONDONDERRY AIR.


Short song

‘There's a man riding in on a donkey’ by Paul Wigmore, in Sing Praise.

This is a great song for Palm Sunday if the whole church meets outside to remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem at the head of a great crowd waving palm branches and singing. The tune is familiar, but these words are much more appropriate for the day we celebrate, and everyone can join in easily, especially if the whole song is repeated several times.


A song can be found here that can be used for each week of Lent.


Suggestions from Children & Young People

All over the world the Spirit is moving
Come on and celebrate (MP)
Great news (SB)
I believe in Jesus (SOF)
I need faith (KS)
Jesus in the garden (C&P)
Jesus isn’t dead any more (KS)
Jesus put this song into our hearts
Shalom, my friend
Risen! Risen! (KS)

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