Adult & All Age
A sending out action and message for the week ahead
Invite people to note, as the week goes by, the things that they accept or believe in but don’t fully understand.
'Now Jesus did many other signs...'
‘Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence
of his disciples, which are not written in this book.’
Lord, as we go out today,
may we live lives that are open to you,
always looking for opportunities
to write our own book of your miracles,
and giving you the glory and honour in all we do.
Children & Young People
Suggestions for Children & Young People
For Young People
Thomas needed to see Jesus. Jesus realised this and visited the disciples a second time. Encourage the young people to think of someone they know who needs help and to contact them to offer help and support, in person, or by phone, email or text.
For Children
Invite everyone to create a painting, drawing or collage at home of what Jesus’ resurrection means to them. You could suggest that they bring their pictures to display in church next week.
Jesus said, ’Blessed are those who have not seen and yet come to believe.’
Thank you, Jesus, that we believe you rose to new life for us.