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Acts 2.14a,22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1.3-9; John 20.19-31

Open the Word

Ways to help all ages engage with the readings

Adult & All Age

Bible Study on John 20.19-31

For Adults and Young People

  • Beforehand, read John 20.19-31. Read and print out a copy of the Bible Study sheet for each group member. There are additional Bible notes here.
  • In the session, read the Bible passage together, and look at the Bible notes and Make connections sections. Use this conversation spark to provoke first reactions from the group: In this day and age it is unreasonable to expect people to believe without seeing. ?For the Explore section – You will need: the track ‘I believe in miracles’ by the Ramones, and the means to play it.
  • End with the Live in faith and Send out prayer items for the week.

Young people

Encourage the group to respond to their discussion using one of the respond activities in the CYP Respond to the Word section. There is a specific activity for Young People which you may like to look at first.

Present the reading

A presentation of John 20.19-31

This presentation invites listeners to participate imaginatively. The reader invites the congregation to close their eyes and imagine they are in a small locked room with a group of people. They are all scared and they have pushed a heavy chest against the door as an extra precaution. The reader then starts to read, incorporating further instructions.

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them. (Open your eyes and look with wonder at your surroundings.)

He said, ‘Peace be with you.’ After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. (Turn to your neighbour and tell them how you are feeling.)

Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’ When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the
sins of any, they are retained.’ (Close your eyes and think about this.) This is the first part of the story. But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. (Put your head in hands.) The other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ (Put your hands on your hips and shake your head.)

But Thomas said to them, ‘Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.’

A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. (Close your eyes, recalling the first scene.) Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ (Open your eyes, look at your surroundings, then tell your neighbour how you are feeling.)

Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. (Look closely at your hands and run your fingers over the palms imagine the nail holes.) Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’ Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ (Close your eyes and think about this for a few moments.)

Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.’

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Explore the reading

A way for leaders to guide all ages through the reading

In his resurrection stories, John is not worried that some accounts contradict others. When Jesus meets Mary at the tomb he tells her not to touch him, and yet when he appears to Thomas, he invites him to touch. It is a very significant story. Each of the miracles or signs in John’s Gospel is distinctive, offered with a clear purpose. We can probably identify with Thomas, and his response, conditioned by his feelings. He was not there; he has missed out on an experience everyone else is rejoicing about. That is alienating and excluding. Jesus repeats his visit to the disciples in the room (a repetition unique in John) and the experience is overpowering: Thomas worships Jesus. The story is very special: Jesus comes just for Thomas, demonstrating his love for him. We spend a lot of time as Christians listening to what other people tell us, about God, about Jesus, about faith. Sometimes, just sometimes, we might feel the presence of Jesus close, special; uniquely just for us. Will we respond in worship and say, ‘My Lord and my God’?


Story: Thomas really believes

A story for children, based on John 20:19-31

Invite the children to think about what it was like for the disciples after Jesus died. Explain that they were not only sad, but also afraid. They were worried that they might be killed for being a friend of Jesus. They had been hiding in a locked room when something amazing happened. 

Explain that this story is told from Thomas’ point of view.


Talk about with children

  • When might you believe in it?

Talk about with young people

Ideas to explore the Bible reading here.

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Story: Looking for Tom

Imaginary email traffic between Mary, the disciples and Thomas sometime after the resurrection

Date: Sunday 08 April 21:06
To: "Tom"
Subject:  Where r u?

Hi Tom!
We've been looking for you all day. You seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Get in touch. I've got something to tell you!


Date: Monday 09 April 15:12
To: "Tom"
Subject:  Me again!

Me again, Tom.
Everyone's been looking for you. Jim and Andy went to your house but you're not there – you know that, obviously! Sarah next door said she saw you at the station on Friday evening. It's not like you to go off without telling anyone. Hope u r ok.
Tom, you have to get in touch.


Date: Monday 09 April 23:40
To: "Tom"
Subject:   Jesus

Tom – I know you check your email every day, no matter where you are, so I know you're reading this. PLEASE GET IN TOUCH!  I have to tell you something about Jesus.


Date: Monday 09 April 23:56
To: "MaryM"
Subject: Re: Jesus

Mary, leave me alone. When they took him down from the cross on Friday I couldn't stand it any more. I had to get away. It's all over. We had such high hopes and now he's gone and we're finished. I gave up everything to follow him and it's come to nothing. I just need some space to get my head together. Don't contact me again. I'll be in touch when I'm ready.


Date: Tuesday 10 April 08:08
To: "Tom"
Subject: He's alive!

Tom, I know this will be hard to believe, that's why I'd have preferred to tell you in person, but he's alive. I've seen him. We all have.
On Friday night none of us went home, we stayed together at Peter's all night, talking about him and crying. Saturday was awful. We just hung around. No one wanted to eat and it was really hard. Didn't feel like a Sabbath day. It seemed unreal. Saturday night I couldn't sleep. I got up about 4.30 and went to the tomb. It was open and he wasn't there. It was such a shock. I thought they'd moved the body without telling us, or that someone had stolen it for some reason and then – he was just there, beside me. I thought it was the gardener at first, but as soon as he said my name I realised it was him.
I know it sounds unbelievable, Tom, but it's true. We've all seen him, spoken to him, eaten with him. Cleopas and Rachel met him on their way home and he explained everything to them and went in and had supper with them. That's when they realised who he was.
Oh! This is impossible to explain properly! Come home, Tom. He wants to see you. Where are you?


Date: Tuesday, 10 April 23:59
To: "MaryM"
Subject: Don't be stupid

Get over it. He's gone.

Date: Thursday, 13 April 17:26
To: "Phil"
Subject: Mary

Hi Phil,
I'm just taking some time out to get my head together after what's happened. Tell everyone not to worry about me. I'm ok. I'll be back when I get myself sorted.
I'm worried about Mary. She found out where I'm staying and has been to see me this afternoon. She's full of weird stuff about having seen the Lord. I think the upset of everything has made her a bit crazy. Can you go and see her – make sure she's ok? I think she needs to see a doctor.


Date: Thursday, 13 April 17:40
To: "Tom"
Subject: Re: Mary

She's not crazy, Tom. I know it sounds impossible, but it's true. He's alive. We've all seen him. Come and see for yourself.


Date: Thursday, 13 April 21:46
To: "Phil"
Subject: Re:Re: Mary

It is impossible and you know it. We all saw him die on Friday. Stop trying to wind me up. I can't stand this. As if it wasn't bad enough already. Leave me alone.

Date: Thursday, 13 April 22:11
To: "Tad" ; "Simon Z"; "Pete";  "Matt"; "John";  "Jim A"; "Jim"; "Bart"; "Andy"
Subject: Wind-up.

Can I just tell everyone – I'm taking some time out. I don't want to be contacted. I need to sort my head out.
Tell Mary and Phil to stop trying to wind me up. I'll NEVER believe he's alive. NEVER.
You all know it's impossible.
The only way I'm going to believe it is if I see him myself – see the nail marks, touch them - and the hole in his side where I saw the soldier put the spear in. What am I talking about? He's dead. That's it.


Date: Thursday, 13 April 23:00
To: "Andy"
Subject: Tom

Andy – your phone's engaged all the time (whose isn't?!) so I'm trying this. I think we should go and get Tom and force him to come home and see for himself. Give me a ring as soon as you read this. I'd like you to come with me. He might listen to you.


Date: Sunday, 15 April 16:17
To: "Mum"
Subject: I've seen the Lord!

It's true. I've seen him!  Now I know he is truly the Son of God and the future is bright!


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For very young children

With very young children

This week's activity gives us a chance to explore seeing and believing

You will need: lidded boxes with different objects inside (e.g. a torch, a toy animal). Share this short paraphrase and actions.

Jesus died and had risen. (hold hands up and outwards)

He went to see his friends. (clasp hands in front as if shaking hands with yourself)

He showed them the scars on his hands (hold out hands, palm upright)

but Thomas wasn’t there. (shake head)

Thomas said: ‘I won’t believe unless I see and touch Jesus.’ (wag finger)

When Jesus came again later he let Thomas touch him. (touch the palm of one hand with finger from other hand)

Jesus said: ‘Happy are those who believe without seeing me.’ (smile)

Repeat so the children can join in. Show the boxes to the children. Tell them what is inside each box, and ask them whether they believe you (e.g. ‘there is a wild animal in this box’; ‘there is a light in this box’). Reveal the contents of the boxes, and invite them to play with the boxes and objects.

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