Using today's psalm
At times in this psalm there seem to be echoes of Psalm 23: refuge, portion and cup, good counsel, hope and joy – the same themes of confidence and trust are here.
It’s an intimate psalm, a prayer from an individual to God who is good above all other. The promise in verse 4 to refuse to worship other gods comes from a society with a whole panoply of their own deities to worship, but for us these lines can also be a reminder to keep focused on God, and not allow the pressures of life and possessions crowd him out of our lives.
Singing together
How to use the psalms in worship.
Response line: O Lord, you are my portion and my cup.
O Lord,
2 index fingers point upwards.
you are my portion
Top of bent right hand strokes under chin twice (= enough).
and my cup.
Right hand in cup shape rests on left hand palm up.
Versions of Psalm 16 include:
‘O Lord, you are the centre of my life’ (CFE, LAU, SG)
‘O Lord, you are my portion’ (PAME).