Resources for the lectionary weeks between Easter Sunday and Pentecost can be found via the relevant Week by week, Month by month or Search pages.
Ascension Day, which takes place 40 days after Easter, marks Jesus’ final day on earth and his return to heaven. Using a ‘forest church’ approach, Lindsay Wright introduces fresh ideas to engage both those who are new to the story and the well-versed.
An Ascension service for all ages using scenes from Star Wars
Short service outline for Ascension Day
Resources for Ascension Day focused on Acts 1.1-11
Based on 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11
An Ascension service for all
Jane Chevous outlines how to hold a forest-church-style outdoor event over the Easter weekend that the whole community could join in with.
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Does it matter?
An all-age Communion resource for Easter/Ascension/Pentecost
A robin remembers the events of the first Maunday Thursday to Easter Sunday
Ideas to connect the secular with the sacred
Ideas for worshipping with all ages together on Easter Day
Use sound to animate the story of the first Easter Morning, or act it out through five scenes
Join in the actions in this re-telling of the women's visit to the empty tomb. Ideal for children or all-ages
Aimed at primary children, this outline could be presented as an assembly or used in a classroom context to explore Lent and Easter.
Ideas and activities for a workshop time with children, exploring the events of Holy Week.
A retelling for children of a traditional folk tale
Activity ideas for Easter for pre-school children.
A Vigil event for young people through the evening of Holy Saturday through to Easter Sunday morning
A meditation for Easter from the vantage point of Mary Magdalene
A led meditation on the surprise of that first Easter morning, followed by an invitation prayer of thanksgiving and commitment suitable for youth.
An all-age meditation which pans over the life of Jesus in short phrases.
He is not here. He goes before you.
Reflection and prayer on meeting Jesus afresh at Easter
A prayer for children using sign language
Prayer activity with Easter flowers
A drama for two narrators and a chorus of at least two people.
Two women talk about how they arrived at Jesus' tomb on Easter morning to find it empty
Dialogue between Mary, Peter and John after they have all come back from the empty tomb (John 20.1-18)
This liturgy could be used at an Easter Communion service in those churches that do not have their own established formula