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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.1-18; Matthew 28.1-10

Story: On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away

Use sound to animate the story of the first Easter Morning, or act it out through five scenes

This story can be told effectively with sounds. Younger children can listen, older ones can join in making the sounds.


  1. Find the *instruments* listed below and/or enjoy spending time together making them.
  2. Teach the chorus first: On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away (tip up a rain stick or peas in a sealed bottle each time the chorus is said).



Mary and Mary, up at first light, came to the tomb and had such a fright (tap single tiptoe-like notes on a xylophone or a triangle).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

After an earthquake and lightning flash, Mary and Mary heard a great crash (bang cymbals and drums or tables).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

Mary and Mary were amazed by the sight of an angel sat on a stone, dressed in white (use muffled clappers or pieces of card flapped in the air).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

'Don't be afraid,' the angel then said.
'Jesus is raised. He's no longer dead' (gently shake maracas or rice in sealed yogurt pots).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

Mary and Mary, tell all his friends that Jesus is Lord and life never ends (clap and cheer).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

Mary and Mary ran from the tomb to tell the rest in the upper room (run on the spot).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.

But Jesus appeared and said, 'Do not fear. Tell everyone now – I'll always be near' (make celebration noises, and play all the instruments).
On the first Easter Day, the stone rolled away.


Act it out

This story cries out to be acted out by the children with a simple Bible narration. Divide your group up into twos, threes, fours and fives. There are at least five scenes to act out and then freeze to build a complete tableau of the whole reading.

Scene 1 (two people) . The two women walk slowly to the tomb, sad and fearful (v. 1).

Scene 2 (five people) . They watch astounded as the angel appears, rolls back the stone and sits on it. Two guards are frozen with fear (vv. 2-4).

Scene 3 (three people) . The women cower in fear as the angel tells them about God raising Jesus (v v. 5-7).

Scene 4 (two people) . They set out away from the tomb with fear and joy (v. 8).

Scene 5 (three people) . They meet Jesus. They fall at his feet to worship and hear his words to them (vv. 9-10).

If you have a large enough group:

  1. Freeze each scene, one at a time, until eventually you have a still photograph of the whole story.
  2. If possible, take digital camera shots of this and produce pictures for a display.
  3. Interview some of the actors in each frozen scene to hear what they are thinking and feeling during the story.

For the narrative, the actual words of the Bible text should work well.

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