Meditation on the empty tomb for use on Easter Sunday, with potential for symbolic action.
He is not here. He goes before you.
Meditation before an empty cross
Leader: He is not here. He goes before you. Hammer and nails cannot contain the Lord of all life. In his absence is his very presence. Intrigue us, dear Lord, by daily coming among us. May we know you when we see you.
Attach an Easter wreath to the cross.
Leader: He is not here. He goes before you. Flowers of the garden transform this instrument of torture as the garden of creation becomes the garden of resurrection. Be with your people, Lord, in their sufferings. May hope spring out of dark places - for the victimised and brutalised - so that where life is lost life may also be restored.
Hang a length of linen shroud on the altar beams or communion table.
Leader: He is not here. He goes before you. Empty are the grave clothes as the Lord of all life mingles with his people. May we wear not the sackcloth of death but the garments of salvation. Turn your people's mourning into dancing as we come to celebrate each day of our lives in the light of the risen Lord.