Drama: Ascension News
Based on 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11
One: The Ascension shows us one thing.
Two: That suffering can be transformed into something glorious.
One: Who would have thought it at the time?
Two: As huddled masses stood at the foot of the cross and watched as agony unfolded in front of them.
One: Who could have dreamed it?
Two: As the limp body was lifted down and encased in a tomb.
One: Who could have believed, at that point, that such power and glory was possible?
Two: Who could have imagined that, at the Ascension, they would see that suffering transformed?
One: > SLIGHT PAUSE Suffering is something that Christians have faced ever since.
Two: Shamefully, sometimes at the hands of other Christians.
One: Sometimes at the hands of others.
Two: Even today – twenty-one centuries later the suffering still goes on.
One: In some places as bad as it has ever been.
Two: It was certainly a daily issue in the Early Church.
One: Suffering because of belief that went against ideas of the time.
Two: Suffering because those early believers wouldn’t do what others did.
One: It’s always difficult to stand out as different.
Two: To be out of tune with the world’s orchestra.
One: To swim against the tide.
Two: It still happens today.
One: Perhaps...
Two: Just perhaps...
One: It should happen more often.
Two: If we were braver...
One: More courageous.
Two: But all too often you can see where things are leading.
One: You can see that taking a stand will lead to difficulty...
Two: An uncomfortable situation.
One: And so you back down.
Two: You keep quiet.
One: And the suffering is avoided.
Two: None of us want to suffer.
One: Especially if we can see a way in which the pain can be avoided.
Two: But sometimes...
One: Just sometimes...
Two: Suffering is necessary for glory to have its day.