Prayers suitable for an all-age Communion in Advent.
An all-age Communion resource for Advent
An all-age service based on John 1.1-18, focusing on how Christ reveals God to us.
An all-age service for Advent
A sheet with a story and activities for each week of Advent for the whole familyto do together. Originally published in 2020.
Ideas to use as a family to make Advent a special time of preparation and expectation for what is to come at Christmas – alongside being a time for pre-Christmas shopping and parties!
Add symbols to a tree through Advent as a reminder of God's love for the world.
Ideas for creative cookery during Advent
Making your own Advent wreath with accompanying prayers
A simple Advent crossword for children.
Children making a crib over the weeks of Advent
Four craft activities for children in Advent, suitable for either the First Sunday of Advent, or the Sunday before
Develop a Bethlehem scene in preparation for Christmas
A gradual opening up of the Advent story
A series of prayers and reflections that can be used throughout Advent and Christmas.
A seasonal chant for children
A prayer for forgiveness
Prayers based on ancient tradition
Four short prayers for use in Advent
An all-age prayer activity in which people offer God gifts of attitude changes or specific deeds, this Christmas
Prayer for the start of Advent, for use with children.
Preparing for Advent
A short call and response for each week of Advent Year B
A candle-lit litany for Advent and Christmas
A short, responsive prayer
Posada is a Latin American custom in which figures of Mary and Joseph 'travel' from house to house during Advent to symbolise how every household can make room for Jesus.
Prayers for use when lighting the Advent candles
Short liturgy for each week in Advent and on Christmas Day
Create a stable scene during Advent, adding items each Sunday, making a sacred space in which to present symbols of the world’s needs.
This liturgy is based on the traditional lighting of candles. Each Sunday, the number of readers increases with the number of lit candles. Link each sentence with the appropriate candle.
Lighting candles each week of Advent on the themes of hope, peace, joy, love and gold
With a verse for each Sunday as the candles are lit
Our 2014 calendar updated for 2017
Combining the secular and sacred during December
Weekly downloadable resource sheet for adults and young people
Activities for the Advent journey based on the well-known images in Isaiah
Calendars for the journey through Advent
Use this Advent calendar to guide your journey through Advent 2010, Year A.
Alexandra Clarke offers a variety of reflective resources for an enriching encounter with the season.
Seasonal reflections
A reflection for children for Advent
A reflection for older children
Mary the mother of Jesus reflects back over her life
Reflective prayers based on the Antiphons
A drama covering the four weeks of Advent
A seasonal sketch
A sketch for Advent
A humorous sketch speculating on what might have happened if Gabriel had thought he knew better than God…
A humorous Christmas drama according to Luke
Inspired by the angels' catchphrase in the Christmas story, 'Don't be afraid', this sketch explores people's impressions of angels - God's messengers.
Three of the shepherds who heard the angels' message and hurried to find Jesus look back on the event from the present day.