A drama covering the four weeks of Advent
This Advent drama takes us through the time of preparation for Christmas.
Cast: Quite good shepherd (QS), Fairly good shepherd (FS), Not bad shepherd (NS), Angel (A), Innkeeper (I), Husband (H)
Lost for words
QS I heard that old Zechariah found his voice again.
FS Zechariah who?
QS You know, the fella with the barren wife, Elizabeth. The priest bloke.
FS Where'd he lose it to then?
QS You must have heard? He was the bloke what questioned the Angel of the Lord and got struck dumb.
FS You're losing it mate. All this talk of barren births, lost voices and angels. You want to get some sleep.
QS Where've you been for the past six moons? Didn't you listen to the news tablet bulletins? His barren wife gave birth to a son, and they called him John.
FS John? But you don't call your first-born John. No one does.
QS Well he did, and after an initial mumble from the people there was great joy, particularly when Zechariah found his voice.
FS I've got to admit, I would've remembered a newsflash like that. I was probably out here watching the flocks while you were off for a drink and sly listen to the news tablet. Look out! Here comes Shilo. Don't get him excited now. You know what he's like.
QS Shilo, you heard about Zechariah didn't you?
NS > DANCING AS HE APPROACHES. Fantabuloso, I certainly did. All that leaping about? I love it.
FS What are you on about?
QS You're talking about the same Zechariah aren't you?
NS Lost his voice apparently.
QS He did.
NS Yes he did. Wasn't that great? > STARTS LEAPING AND SPINNING.
FS What are you doing?
NS I was thinking about before he found his voice.
FS/QS What?
NS When Elizabeth's cousin, Mary, visited.
FS And?
NS And her baby leapt about.
FS What, out of her tummy? I have to say I missed that bulletin as well. I must have been wasting time somewhere in a field.
NS I don't mean leapt out of her. She felt her baby leap in her tummy. Her cousin was so special. Blessed among women by all accounts. She was pregnant too.
FS No wonder Zech lost his voice. Two screaming babies and two demanding women.
QS That's enough for even the most upright of men.
NS She didn't stay there. She went back to her fella. Joseph.
FS I think I might just put my head down for a nap if that's okay with you two.
FS Stone the crows!
QS What the blazes?
NS Midday at midnight. That's not poss…
A Do not be afraid. I bring you news.
FS We've heard enough news to last us the week, thanks.
A I am the Angel of the Lord, so put a sock in it for a minute will you.
FS Is he allowed to say that? Sorry – I was just a bit surprised by your appearance.
A What's wrong with my appearance? Is it my hair? Or the wings? Don't they go with the outfit?
QS You had something to announce?
A Oh yeah. Right. Well it's good news and I travel fast so that's nice, isn't it?
QS Yes. We're listening.
A We heard you mention Mary, and God thought it might be nice for you to pop by and see his chosen Son.
QS I said we're listening. You were going to make an announcement.
A I just did, and quite a special one too.
QS Okay. Thanks for popping by. See you around …. Did you just say what I thought you just said? Did he just say what I thought he said?
A That's enough! Be quiet and listen. I mean … do not be afraid. I have news of great joy to everyone on earth. Today in Bethlehem, the city of David, a saviour has been born who is Christ. You need to follow that star.
You will find him wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.
NS Well what do you know? Only the best people are born in mangers.
FS He'll grow up to be a good shepherd. We'd better get along and teach him a few things about sheep.
QS You'd better smarten yourself up if we're going to meet the Messiah and his wonderful mum.
FS I'm a shepherd. This is as smart as I get, thanks.
NS You could at least have a wash or bath or something.
FS What with?
QS I hear sheep wool has some great moisturisers.
FS Give over.
NS (> HOLDING HIS NOSE) Why is it there's never any myrrh around when you need it?
Inn flocks!
QS I told you that wasn't the star, you numbskull.
FS It was bright enough – how was I to know it was one of those modern lanterns stuffed on the back of a donkey?
QS Did you not think it odd when it stopped outside the inn?
FS Not really. The Messiah could have been there.
QS He doesn't drink.
FS You navigate next time instead of walking around with your eyes half closed.
QS It was your shift.
NS Oh this is fantastic. Stars, lanterns, donkeys, inns and Messiahs. I just love births and parties.
FS Who pulled his chain?
NS Wonderful news.
QS You need to keep the noise down a bit. Before we go in, we need to know who's doing what.
NS Can I give them the present?
QS What present?
NS The lamb.
QS We don't have the lamb, do we?
NS Oh no, we don't, do we.
QS And why is that, Shilo?
NS Because I gave it to the lady at the inn.
QS And why did you give it to her?
NS Because she didn't like me dancing around her room she had paid good money for.
QS It wasn't just that though was it?
NS No, she didn't like me staring.
QS Hmmm. Staring at her. She had every right to be cross.
NS But I just love babies.
QS It cost us our lamb to stop Simon her husband from kicking us into the middle of the next town.
FS Shilo didn't realise. He was just chuffed to be there.
QS Well, yes, I suppose they could have asked us what we were doing there in the first place. Half an hour we were sat there and not a word, then suddenly all chaos breaks loose.
FS So. What are we going to give him, poor as we are?
NS Hah! If I were a shepherd, I would bring a lamb.
FS You are a shepherd, although it's questionable how good you are.
QS I think we just need to get in there and pay our respects to the mother, Joseph and the wonderful Messiah.
NS This is just so awesome. Hurry, come on.
FS Are you sure this is the right inn? We don't want any more problems do we?
Come on inn
I Yes, what can I do for you on this fine, freezing cold, clear-skied, bright-starred December night?
QS What a wonderful greeting, kind and honorable sir.
I Well it's my favourite time of the year, it's the third hour after midnight. I've not slept a wink, there's a newborn Messiah in the stable screaming his head off and I've run out of wine because the locals have all come to wet the baby's head.
FS That's enough to wear anyone out.
I Not me, sirs. I can't tell you how special it makes me feel to know that a new king was born in my back yard.
FS I don't suppose we could take a look could we? It's just we've been travelling a long way following that star.
QS And the lantern.
FS With a lamb and pelts on our backs and weighed down with wool.
I Of course you can. Actually I was expecting you some time ago. I heard you were on your way.
NS You did?
QS Well, we got distracted. Wrong inn.
FS Wrong baby.
I Oh, I see. I don't expect they would have been as welcoming at this time of night.
QS Something like that.
FS Watch out, here comes Simon. I expect he wants to see you.
H Eh, you. Hopping shepherd. You can have your sheep back. We've no use for it.
NS I thought your wife wanted it.
H No, she told you to leave and take your lamb with you, you gormless ....
I Are you coming in or not?
QS Yes please.
FS Why don't you join us? You can give the lamb.
H Oh right, don't mind if I do. What exactly am I coming in for? A drink?
QS No. we've come to visit the Messiah. He's a newborn king this night.
NS Yes. If you'd given us a chance to explain, we would have told you why we've come so far to stare at a newborn baby.
H Aah! I get it now. I'll tag along then, but I can't stay long. The missus will be wondering where I am.
ALL Wow!