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Advent calendars 2017 and 2014

Our 2014 calendar updated for 2017

Advent: The season for watching and waiting


Our 2017 Advent calendar has been updated from 2014 and takes us on a journey with the Gospel readings for the four Sundays of Advent:

Each week you are invited to keep awake and alert, allowing things in our everyday world to help us ponder the Advent messages as we prepare to welcome the Saviour.

Read Ann Conway-Jones' reflection on Advent.

How to use the calendar and Things to spot, find or hear sheet.

Click on the calendar image above to view and/or download a focus for each week in Advent 2017 and a quotation from Sunday’s Gospel. Sunday’s task is simply to listen to or read the Gospel. During the following week we are encouraged to look about us, in our everyday world, to spot things which link to the Gospel writer’s message.

Click on the image of the Things to spot, find or hear sheet to view and/or download suggestions for things to be on the lookout for each week. There are more than you will need so you will have lots of choice. The sheet is designed to be cut into four sections, one for each week.

(To view the 2014 versions click on the PDFs below.)

Adults might carry the relevant section of the Things to spot, find or hear sheet with them during the week, and make notes on the calendar to record relevant sightings, happenings or events.

Children could cut out the relevant item on the Things to spot, find or hear sheet and stick it on the calendar on the day they find, see or hear it.


On each day in the calendar there is also space to write the name of someone you particularly want to pray for that day.


(To view the 2017 calendar and sheet, click on the images above or the PDFs below. To view the 2014 versions click on the PDFs below.)

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