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Taking the light with us

A candle-lit litany for Advent and Christmas

Based on the psalmist's assertion that 'darkness is as light to [God]' (Psalm 139.12)

You could use one part of this prayer each week or the whole thing for a service of all-age worship or celebration.

Week 1   Waiting in darkness
The light is with us even when we wait in darkness.
We welcome the light and dark God.
In our dark world we are concerned about those who wait,
endlessly, courageously, with all their being.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

Week 2  Restoring in darkness
The light is with us even when we are witnesses in darkness.
We welcome the God who baptises and blesses, even in darkness.
In our dark world we are concerned about those whose baptism is tested in darkness,
who try to live truly and justly with all their being.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

Week 3  Speaking in darkness
The light is with us even when we speak into darkness.
We welcome the God who is the Word in light and in darkness.
In our dark world we are concerned about those who are called to speak in darkness,
who confront injustice and make peace with all their being.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

Week 4  Dreaming in darkness
The light is with us even when we are dreaming in darkness.
We welcome the God who gives dreams to young and old, women and men, even in darkness.
In our dark world we are concerned about those whose dreams are tested in darkness,
yet hold on to a vision of mercy and hope.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day  Birthing in darkness
The light is with us even when we are giving birth in darkness.
We welcome the God who is born as one of us, even in darkness.
In our dark world we are concerned about those whose birth is accompanied by darkness,
sharing the vulnerability, pain and poverty of the world with all their being.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

Christmas 1  Travelling in darkness
The light is with us even when we are travelling in darkness.
We welcome the God who accompanies us even in darkness.
In our dark world we are concerned about those who journey on in darkness,
who are running away from or into danger, who eschew safety with all their being.
We light this candle for … (name concern or person) .
May this light banish the darkness for them.
May we take heart from their witness
and travel with this light beyond the darkness.

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