Go with God
Consider together what you have explored, what that means for each of you and how it might influence your daily lives. (10 mins)
- Make a paper chatterbox for each child, writing numbers onto each of the flaps and ‘God’ in the centre. Encourage the children to play with their chatterboxes a few times, and to notice that God is always at the centre. Remind them that today you have discovered that, whatever the choices we make, we can always choose to include God in them.
Go with God 24/7 W E S A
Put faith into action
Think about one of the choices you need to make and spend time talking to God about this.
Before you finish,
give out the Thrive
resource to encourage
faith at home.
To the tune: The Grand Old Duke of York
God is with us all the time. (x2) Beside us in all we do,
God is with us all the time.
Play ‘You are my Vision’, Rend Collective on CAMPFIRE.
- Explain that you are about to play a worship song called ‘You are my Vision’ based on words that have been said and sang for over a thousand years in Ireland. The song is about how Jesus should be at the centre of all our decision-making.
- Ask the young people to listen to the song and think about the different choices they have coming up, and pray that God will help base their choices on what allows them to follow Jesus best.
Go with God 24/7 W S A
Write down the decisions you make each day this week. Were they decisions which helped or hindered you or other people
As you finish,
give out the Thrive
resource to encourage
faith at home.