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1 Samuel 8:4-11,(12-15),16-20, (11:14-15); Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1; Mark 3.20-35

Under 5s session


The leaders of Israel come to Samuel to ask for a king. Samuel does not think this a good idea but, after praying to God, he comes back to them with God’s warning about what having a king would mean – conscripted armies, tithes and taxes. But the people insist. So, Samuel takes them all to Gilgal where they make Saul their king.



Very young children's Session

Read: Prepare and reflect - see Children's session Prepare 
Play ideas:
a book corner filled with books encouraging the children to choose including lift the flap, That’s not my... and You Choose books
Don't forget: Colouring sheet

Very young childrens Session

 Gathering song

Sing to the tune: Row, row, row your boat

Hear, hear, hear about Samuel, David and Saul.
Of how God spoke to them, and how he loves us all.

Share the Word
Very young childrens Session

Ask the children to use the hand actions below each time they hear the word in the story:
King – two hands either side of head like a crown;
God – hands out, palms up.

Samuel was getting very old.
God’s people were looking for a new leader and they wanted a king.
Samuel prayed and waited to see who God would choose to be king.
One day Samuel met Saul and he knew this was who God would choose to be king.
Saul wasn’t sure.
Then Samuel took Saul to the people and they knew that this was who God had chosen to be king.

Explore and respond
Very young childrens Session

Click on the image to view a larger version.

Magic Milk

  • Pour whole milk onto a shallow plate or dish.
  • Add drops of food colouring – red, yellow, blue, green.
  • Use a cotton bud tip to add a drop of washing up liquid in the centre.
  • Watch how the milk reacts to the soap, and the patterns it makes.
  • Set up a few of these experiments and notice that every pattern is different, depending on where you choose to place the dye.


What kind of King?

  • Draw and cut out cardboard crown shapes and provide a selection of loose parts such as coloured-shapes, buttons, shiny pieces, blocks.
  • Lay these out on a tray and encourage the children to decorate and redecorate the crown.
  • Ask: What kind of king should Saul choose to be?

A prayer for very young children: Salt tray prayers

Pour salt into the bottom of a tray until it is covered.
Provide sticks or paper straws and encourage the
children to draw lines, however they wish, in the salt.
As they do pray:
Thank you, God, that when we have choices to make,
you are with us.

Very young childrens Session
Childrens Session

Activity and colouring sheet

Click on the graphic to view this week's sheets.

Go with God
Very young childrens Session


To the tune: The Grand Old Duke of York

God is with us all the time. (x2) Beside us in all we do,
God is with us all the time.

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