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1 Samuel 8:4-11,(12-15),16-20, (11:14-15); Psalm 138; 2 Corinthians 4.13-5.1; Mark 3.20-35


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

From a world of choices
we choose to spend time with God;
let us offer him what we have and who we are.
The consequence of our choice
is that God meets us and speaks to us;
let us not fail to listen.

A gathering prayer

God of each day and each moment,
you call us to make choices:
choices about how we will live,
how we will use our time and resources,
who we will look out for,
and what we will commit to.
As we come before you now,
bless us with wise discernment and loving compassion,
that we may serve after the example of Jesus.

A prayer of approach

The people of Israel wanted a king.
They wanted someone who would fight their battles.
They didn’t think about the consequences.
You, mighty God, are above all the kings in the world.
You give us the strength, abilities and choices to fight
our own battles.
We choose to follow you and avail ourselves of your manifold
strengths and blessings.
Glory be to you, our gracious God.

A prayer of adoration

‘Lord God, when I called you answered me, you greatly
emboldened me. I will bow down toward your holy Temple
and will praise your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness.’
(Psalm 138)
Lord God, whatever age we are, you show us your love and
compassion. Whether we are new in the faith or have known
you more years than we care to remember, you are there for us.
Even when the consequences of our choices aren’t good, you
show us your mercy. We bow to our powerful God for whom
nothing is impossible.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness

A prayer of confession

Lord God, sometimes we are very aware of the consequences of
bad choices. When we read the paper or watch the news. Even
watching our own friends and family. Then of course, there’s us.
We haven’t always chosen wisely. And sometimes we’ve had to
live with the consequences. Lord God, we are here now to confess
our bad choices. (pause) We are so sorry, Lord, and we ask you to
forgive us and help us to put things right.


Assurance of forgiveness

We walk by faith not by sight. God sees our hearts and knows
when we are trying to do the best we can.
He loves us and wants us to make our best choices in him. He
blesses us now with his forgiveness and fullness of life.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving

Lord God, we thank you that you have placed us in community.
Our lives are made up of clusters of different people; some we
have no choice about. But we thank you, Lord, that in you we
can always choose how we react. Today we choose your way of
showing love to all. We thank you, God of the people, that you are
our king. You can make us a community that is transformed by your
love and our actions.

Prayers of intercession

Today’s intercessions focus on the decisions we make in our lives as we ask God to be our influence. As we walk together through the week just gone and the week ahead, we offer God the choices we made and ask for his guidance on those decisions yet to come.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

Lord, each day we make a variety of choices – what to eat, what to wear, where to go. Most of the time we don’t even notice the choices we are making. But we call to mind a choice we had to make this week that was more important. We think about how we came to our decision.

Lord, if we made a bad choice, forgive us. If the choice was hard, give us your peace. If we are still awaiting the consequences, give us patience.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

We now look ahead to the week in front of us. Maybe there are hard decisions to be made. Maybe we don’t know if we will be confronted by difficult choices. But, whatever happens, Lord, our deepest desire is to make the right choices – to listen for your guidance and to go your way. Help us to be attuned to your voice; not to be ashamed or afraid to seek advice, and to be prepared to change our minds if we discern you leading us in a different direction.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

Lord, we pray for those in our local communities who need to make choices and decisions this week. We think of the health service: we pray for those who may receive difficult, life-changing diagnoses. We pray for doctors and other health professionals who need to advise patients on their care options.

We pray for teachers and students, particularly at this difficult exam time. Give those taking exams your peace and focus as they decide what to write on their exam papers. Help our young people to make good choices about their next steps. Give them good guidance, we pray, so that the outcomes will be positive for their futures.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

We bring before you, Lord, all those we know who have asked for our prayers. We remember those who are sick, sorrowful, lonely, isolated and afraid. We especially remember…

We ask for your help as we seek to bring them comfort. Help us to be joy-bringers into every difficult situation.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

We pray now further afield, for our leaders. Lord, the leaders of the world need so much wisdom and strength. May they be governed by a desire for integrity and humility. Help them to put the needs of the poorest and the oppressed ahead of the wealthiest and most influential. Stay their hands when they would choose violence over peace. Give them the courage to stand up for what is right.

We particularly bring to mind the following situations….

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

Lord, we remember those whose life choices have not been good and have led to painful or devastating consequences. We remember those in prison and their families; those who are in serious debt; those in situations where they no longer feel safe and loved. We pray for those who choose to leave their countries because of persecution and find themselves in refugee camps or on small, unsafe boats crossing our seas. Lord, protect them and bring good outcomes.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

We think about local businesses and our places of work. Where might we need to make decisions this week? Where might our decisions have serious consequences for others? Lord, in the quiet, we bring those situations to you, asking for your wisdom to fill us as we go forward into a new week….

In our homes and families and social situations, Lord, guide us and help us each day to make the choices that will bring harmony and peace rather than conflict and argument. Help us to be quicker to listen than to speak. Give us discerning hearts.

L: Lord, as we are confronted daily by different choices
All: Help us to go your way.

Help us always to be guided by you. Give us wisdom and show us the right paths to follow.


A prayer for all ages together

Praise God who rejoices with us when we make good choices.
(thumbs up)
Praise God who forgives and restores us when we make poor
choices. (thumbs down)
Praise God who is always with us. (wave arms in celebration)

A sending out prayer

May God give us eyes of faith to see God’s way
in the face of the many choices we face.
May God be in our choices and our plans.
May God bless us and all those we seek to serve.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  9-15 Mehefin 2024

Dewisiadau a chanlyniadau

1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15)


Galwad i addoli
Mewn byd o ddewisiadau
dewiswn dreulio amser gyda Duw;
cynigiwn iddo yr hyn sydd gennym a phwy ydym ni.
Canlyniad ein dewis
yw fod Duw yn ein cyfarfod ac yn siarad â ni;
na foed i ni fethu gwrando.

Gweddi ymgynnull
Dduw pob dydd a phob moment,
rwyt yn galw arnom i wneud dewisiadau:
dewisiadau am y ffordd y byddwn yn byw,
sut y byddwn yn defnyddio ein hamser a’n hadnoddau,
ar bwy y byddwn yn cadw golwg,
a’r hyn y byddwn yn ymrwymo iddo.
Wrth i ni ddod o’th flaen yn awr,
bendithia ni â dirnadaeth ddoeth a thrugaredd cariadlon,
fel y gallwn wasanaethu yn ôl esiampl Iesu.

Gweddi ddynesu
Roedd pobl Israel yn dymuno cael brenin.
Roedd arnynt eisiau rhywun a fyddai’n ymladd eu brwydrau.
Wnaethon nhw ddim meddwl am y canlyniadau.
Rwyt ti, Dduw nerthol, uwchben holl frenhinoedd y byd.
Rwyt yn rhoi i ni gryfder, gallu a dewisiadau ar gyfer ymladd ein brwydrau ein hunain.
Dewiswn dy ddilyn di a chael budd o’th amryfal gryfderau a bendithion.
Gogoniant fo i ti, ein Duw graslon.

Gweddi o addoliad
‘Arglwydd Dduw, pan elwais arnat, atebaist fi, a chynyddaist fy nerth ynof. Ymgrymaf tuag at dy deml sanctaidd, a chlodforaf dy enw am dy gariad a’th ffyddlondeb.’ (Salm 138)
Arglwydd Dduw, faint bynnag yw ein hoed, rwyt yn dangos i ni dy gariad a’th drugaredd.
Pa un ai ydym ni’n newydd yn y ffydd neu wedi dy adnabod am fwy o flynyddoedd nag y gallwn eu cofio, rwyt ti yno i ni.
Hyd yn oed pan na fydd canlyniadau ein dewisiadau yn dda, rwyt ti yn trugarhau wrthym. Ymgrymwn i’n Duw nerthol i’r hwn nad oes unrhyw beth yn amhosibl.

Gweddi o gyffes
Arglwydd Dduw, weithiau byddwn yn dra ymwybodol o ganlyniadau dewisiadau gwael. Pan fyddwn yn darllen y papur neu yn gwylio’r newyddion. Hyd yn oed yn gwylio ein ffrindiau a’n teulu ein hunain. Ac yna wedyn wrth gwrs, ni ein hunain.
Nid ydym bob amser wedi dewis yn ddoeth. Ac weithiau rydym wedi gorfod byw gyda’r canlyniadau. Arglwydd Dduw, rydym yma yn awr i gyffesu ein dewisiadau gwael. (saib) Mae’n wir ddrwg gennym, Arglwydd, a gofynnwn i ti faddau i ni a’n helpu i sicrhau bod popeth yn iawn.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant
Cerddwn trwy ffydd ac nid trwy’r hyn a welwn.
Mae Duw yn gweld ein calonnau ac yn gwybod pan fyddwn yn ymdrechu i wneud ein gorau.
Mae’n ein caru ac mae arno eisiau i ni wneud ein dewisiadau gorau ynddo ef.
Mae’n ein bendithio yn awr â’i faddeuant a llawnder bywyd.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch
Arglwydd Dduw, diolchwn i ti am ein gosod mewn cymuned. Mae ein bywyd wedi ei lunio o glystyrau o wahanol bobl; nid oes gennym ddewis pwy yw rhai ohonynt. Ond diolchwn i ti, Arglwydd, y gallwn ynot ti bob amser ddewis sut yr ydym yn ymateb. Heddiw dewiswn dy ffordd di o ddangos dy gariad tuag at bawb. Diolchwn i ti, Dduw y bobl, mai ti yw ein brenin. Mae gennyt ti’r gallu i’n gwneud yn gymuned sy’n cael ei thrawsnewid gan dy gariad di a’n gweithredoedd ni.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd
Molwch Dduw sy’n llawenhau gyda ni pan fyddwn yn gwneud dewisiadau da.
(bodiau i fyny)
Molwch Dduw sy’n maddau i ni ac yn ein hadfer pan fyddwn yn gwneud dewisiadau gwael.
(bodiau i lawr)
Molwch Dduw sydd gyda ni bob amser.
(dathlu trwy chwifio breichiau)

Gweddi i gloi
Boed i Dduw roi i ni lygaid ffydd i weld ffordd Duw
yn wyneb yr holl ddewisiadau sydd o’n blaenau.
Boed i Dduw fod yn rhan o’n dewisiadau a’n cynlluniau.
Boed i Dduw ein bendithio ni a phawb yr ydym yn ceisio eu gwasanaethu.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Loving Lord, we have chosen to gather in your name.
The consequence is that you meet us and feed us.
Praise be to you.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children

Praise God who rejoices with us when we make
good choices.
Praise God who forgives and restores us when we
make poor choices.
Praise God who is always with us.

A prayer for forgiveness for children

Dear God, we are sorry for the times in which we
have made bad choices.
Help us to see the consequences of our actions
and follow your way.

A prayer for others for children

To those with power and authority in our country,
the King, the Prime Minister, members of
God of all knowledge, grant your wisdom.
To those with power and authority in our churches,
leaders and ministers:
God of all knowledge, grant your wisdom.
To those with power and authority over us in our
families and schools:
God of all knowledge, grant your wisdom.
May your Spirit guide those in leadership roles
of any kind.

A sending out prayer for children

Loving God, guide us in the choices that we make.
Help us to always choose your way.

A prayer for very young children: Salt tray prayers

Pour salt into the bottom of a tray until it is covered.
Provide sticks or paper straws and encourage the
children to draw lines, however they wish, in the salt.
As they do pray:
Thank you, God, that when we have choices to make,
you are with us.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 9-15 Mehefin 2024

Dewisiadau a chanlyniadau

1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15)

Gweddi ymgynnull
Arglwydd cariadlon, rydym wedi dewis dod at ein gilydd yn dy enw di.
Y canlyniad yw dy fod di yn ein cyfarfod ac yn ein bwydo.
Mawl fo i ti.

Gweddïau hambwrdd halen
Tywalltwch halen ar waelod hambwrdd nes bydd wedi ei orchuddio. Darparwch briciau neu wellt yfed papur ac anogwch y plant i dynnu llinellau, ym mha ffordd bynnag y maent yn dymuno, yn yr halen.
Wrth iddynt wneud hynny gweddïwch:
Diolch i ti, Dduw, pan fydd gennym ddewisiadau i’w gwneud,
dy fod di gyda ni.

Gweddi o fawl
Molwch Dduw sy’n llawenhau gyda ni pan fyddwn yn gwneud dewisiadau da.
Molwch Dduw sy’n maddau ac yn ein hadfer pan fyddwn yn gwneud dewisiadau gwael.
Molwch Dduw sydd gyda ni bob amser.

Gweddi am faddeuant
Dduw annwyl, mae’n ddrwg gennym am yr adegau pan fu i ni wneud dewisiadau gwael.
Helpa ni i weld canlyniadau ein gweithredoedd a dilyn dy ffordd di.

Gweddi dros eraill
I’r rhai sydd mewn grym ac awdurdod yn ein gwlad, y Prif Weinidog, Aelodau Seneddol a’r Senedd:
Dduw pob gwybodaeth, rho dy ddoethineb.
I’r rhai sydd mewn grym ac awdurdod yn ein heglwysi, arweinwyr a gweinidogion:
Dduw pob gwybodaeth, rho dy ddoethineb.
I’r rhai sydd mewn grym ac awdurdod drosom yn ein teuluoedd a’n hysgolion:
Dduw pob gwybodaeth, rho dy ddoethineb.
Boed i’th Ysbryd arwain y rhai sydd yn arwain mewn unrhyw faes.

Gweddi i gloi
Dduw cariadlon, arwain ni yn y dewisiadau a wnawn.
Helpa ni bob amser i ddewis dy ffordd di.

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