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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.19-31

Explore & respond with children

Do, Make, Pray and Sing activities based on John 20.19-31


Shalom song    10 mins W E
Learn to sing in Hebrew

You will need: the music and lyrics to ‘Shalom Chaverim’, (optional) the letters S, H, A, L, O, M, written on coloured cards.

  • Beforehand, preview the song ‘Shalom Chaverim’ so you can teach it to the group. It may be helpful to write the words out.
  • Sit in a circle on the floor, and teach the children the song. It works well in a round.
  • Sing the song together. You could pass the letter cards round the circle. The last person places each card in the centre to complete the word SHALOM.
  • Talk about what the word ‘Shalom’ means (see Bringing peace on p.37) and why it was the first thing Jesus said to his disciples.


Visible and invisible        10 mins W E 
Play a sorting game to discover what we believe in without seeing

You will need: picture cards (template), a holding cross.

  • Beforehand, cut the cards into 10 individual pictures and lay them out randomly.
  • Challenge the children to sort the cards into two piles: things we can see and touch, and things we can’t see and touch, but know exist.
  • Talk about how we know that invisible things such as love, friendship, sadness, fun and faith exist. How can you tell that someone believes in Jesus?
  • If appropriate, you could pass round a holding cross and invite the children to say, ‘I believe in Jesus because…’ Alternatively, they could ask a question about Jesus.



Hand of peace        10 mins A
A reminder to offer Jesus’ peace to one another

Use this easy recipe to make your own play dough. (A gluten-free alternative is also available.) Increase quantities as required.

Ingredients: 150 g plain flour, 75 g salt, 1 teaspoon of cream of tartar, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 300ml water, a few drops of food colouring.

Method: Sieve the flour, salt and cream of tartar together into a pan. Add the oil and food colouring to the water and add this slowly to the dry ingredients, stirring over a low heat. Mix until it forms a mass. Knead for a couple of minutes. This will keep in an airtight container for a week.

You will need: round foil containers, coloured play dough (recipe),
sparkly bits/sequins/beads.

  • Give each child a container and a lump of play dough to spread out into a thin layer.
  • Invite them to splay their hand and make an imprint onto the play dough.
  • They can decorate their hand with sparkly bits and/or spell out the letters
    of the word ‘Peace’.
  • Take the hand prints home, as a reminder to reach out to others in peace.

Bible verse banner    10 mins W S

Reveal Jesus’ blessing for us

You will need: lining paper, a white wax crayon or candle, poster paint and brushes.
Beforehand, write on the paper in thick large letters with the crayon/candle, ‘Blessed are those who believe without seeing.’

  • Ask the children if they can see anything written on the paper. Say that there are some of Jesus’ words there but they can’t see them. Do they believe you?
  • Give them each a paintbrush and invite them to paint over the paper to prove what you say. The hidden words should be revealed.
  • Remind them that Jesus said these words about us. You could say the blessing together and end with a loud Amen.
  • Display the banner when dry.



In the room with Jesus        10 mins E S

An imaginative meditation

You will need: meditation script, (optional) cushions.

  • Invite the children to sit or lie comfortably and close their eyes. Encourage them to be still and concentrate on breathing slowly.
  • Read the meditation script slowly, pausing where indicated.
  • Invite the children to share their feelings if they want to.
  • Close with this prayer, then share the peace with each other.

Loving God,
even though we can’t see Jesus,
like Thomas did,
help us to believe in him,
feel his presence,
and welcome him into our lives.
Let us share his peace with one another.


Key to abbreviations for hymn book titles

All I once held dear
I believe in Jesus
I need faith just to live my life (KS)
Make me a channel of your peace
Shalom, my friend (CHY, RSJ)
Yesterday, today, for ever


Spiritual styles abbreviations
W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
Read our Spiritual Styles articles 

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