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Acts 2.14a,22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1.3-9; John 20.19-31
Spiritual styles abbreviations and further information

Warm up            5 mins E

Play a game of mini blind man’s buff.

Mark out an area approximately 3-4 square metres. A blindfolded volunteer is ‘on’ and two others try and hide. Start a 60-second countdown and see if they can avoid capture. If the blindfolded person tries to leave the marked area, tell them to stop and turn around.

So many questions!            15 mins W

Give everyone a pen and paper. Read John 20.19-31 twice, and ask them to write down any questions that occur to them – nothing is too silly! Discuss all the questions at the end.

Questions to discuss             

  • Is a question the same thing as a doubt?
  • Have you ever believed something without seeing it for yourself? Why?
  • Why do you think Jesus repeats his greeting, ‘Peace be with you’?

Questioning faith            15 mins WE

Beforehand, devise a list of questions about God, e.g. If God created the universe, who created God? What proof is there of God’s existence? Why is there so much evil in the world? Why does a loving God allow suffering? Write the questions out, cut them up and lay them on the floor. Ask the group to select one at a time and share possible answers.

Bringing peace            15 mins WA

  • The risen Jesus greeted his disciples with ‘Shalom’. The word means much more than peace: it represents harmony, wholeness, prosperity and tranquillity.
  • Find out about the work of the Sycamore Tree restorative justice programme, which helps prisoners meet victims of crime and make amends for what they have done.
  • Discuss the idea behind the course. How might the young people be peacemakers in their own community?

Preview songs on YouTube, buy online and download.

Shadows, Tenth Avenue North on The Struggle 
Orphans of God, Avalon on Avalon: The Greatest Hits
No Longer Slaves, Mighty Men Karoo feat. Joe Niemand on Lewendige Aanbidding

The unbelievable truth            10 mins W

Trust is a hugely important part of life. We rely on so many things without any real knowledge of how they work, and we frequently trust people we do not know personally. Give the group copies of the edited biography of Winston Churchill, and see if they can guess which four facts are false.

Do not doubt, but believe            15 mins+ ES

Display a range of images of Thomas’ encounter with the risen Jesus, e.g. traditional, contemporary, iconographic, life-like, stylised. How do the young people respond to them? Have art materials available and invite them to create their own artistic representation of this moment of recognition.

See examples of images of Thomas meeting the risen Jesus:

  • How does this picture symbolise peace?
  • Why do you think the birds are faceless?
  • What questions do you want to ask the artist?

Meditative monologue            10 mins ES

Use a monologue by Thomas as the basis for a guided meditation.

Invite everyone to close their eyes and imagine themselves in Thomas’ position, after Jesus had appeared to the other disciples.

Read the script slowly, and share responses at the end if appropriate.

‘My Lord and my God!’            15 mins WS

Encourage the group to write some prayers of intercession together – they can include prayers for themselves, for others, for the church and for the world. After each section, use the response: My Lord and my God, hear my prayer.


If you encounter difficulties or challenges this week, remember Jesus’ word of peace: Shalom.

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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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