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Acts 2.14a,22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1.3-9; John 20.19-31

Open the Word

Ways to help all ages engage with the readings

Adult & All Age

To help the listener

Context to today's readings Acts 2.14a,22-32 and John 20.19-31

The reader could use these words to provide context:

In the reading from Acts, Peter brings the hopes of the prophet David to life in the trustworthy message of Jesus’ resurrection. And in the Gospel, Jesus’ promise of peace turns the disciples’ fear and confusion into joy and faith.


Present the New Testament

Acts 2.14a,22-32

Display a picture of the crucifixion or a crucifix, together with the caption: ‘Could this man be the Messiah, the Christ?’

Choose three people from the congregation to read (from their places) the Bible verses mentioned. Introduce the reading by saying:

‘In his Pentecost sermon, Peter addresses the question:
Can someone who was crucified really be the promised Messiah?

According to Moses a crucified person was under a curse (read Deuteronomy 21.22-23). Peter deals with this by referring to the Psalms.

Later Paul will give a similar answer (read Galatians 3.13).

Paul also showed that this was a common stumbling block for Jews in his letter to the Corinthians (read 1 Corinthians 1.23-24). In Peter’s case, as today’s reading shows, his argument bears fruit.’

Now read 1 Peter 3.1-9.


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Present the Gospel

A dramatisation of John 20.19-31 using an imaginary conversation between Mary Magdalene and Thomas


Emphasise the chronology of the two events in this passage (they're a week apart) with the dramatic interlude: 'But that I can't believe.'

Read vv.19-23, perform the Interlude and then read vv.26-31.

You could also present the two parts of the reading dramatically, sharing it between four or more actors: a narrator, Jesus, Thomas, and up to ten disciples.

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Present the reading & Talk together

John 20.19-31 - Two ways to tell the story, followed by ideas for discussion time

The risen Jesus appears to his disciples, but Thomas isn’t with them. Thomas at first doubts, then believes, when he sees Jesus for himself.

Choose from these two ways of telling the story:

Seeing is believing

Today’s story is about Thomas, the disciple who said he wouldn’t believe that Jesus was alive unless he saw him in the flesh. Read the story, and when you say believe for the first time, invite the children to shut their eyes and cover their faces with their hands. When you say believe again, they can uncover their faces and open their eyes again.

Stand up, sit down

Beforehand, make some cards with the following names written on them: Jesus; Thomas; Disciple (you will need enough of this card for everyone else) and hand them out. As you read the story, invite the children to stand up every time they hear their name mentioned, then sit down again.

Talk together

  • Have you ever been told something that you didn’t believe but which turned out to
    be true?
  • Why do you think Thomas didn’t believe what his friends said?
  • I wonder how Thomas felt when he saw Jesus for himself.
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For very young children

With very young children

Play, and explore Jesus meeting doubting Thomas

Play materials: toy windmills, instruments to blow.

Mini Bible story with actions

Peace and joy

The disciples were hiding and afraid.
Head under arm.
Suddenly Jesus came, saying,
‘Peace be with you,’
Shake hands.
and showing them his wounds.
Touch hands and side.
They were filled with joy!
He breathed on them,
saying, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’
Raise arms.
But Thomas had been away.
He couldn’t believe that Jesus was alive again.
Shake head.
Jesus came again, and Thomas touched him.
Touch hands.
Now he could believe!
Jesus said, ‘You are blessed if you
believe without seeing.’  
Touch head then cover eyes.

Repeat so the children can join in.


Believing without seeing

You will need: lidded boxes with different objects inside, e.g. a torch, a toy animal.

Show the boxes to the children. Tell them what is inside each box, and ask them whether they believe you, e.g. ‘there is a light in this box’, ‘there is a wild animal in this box’. Reveal the contents of the boxes, and invite them to play with them.

Peace be with you

You will need: paper, feathers, sparkles, glue sticks, paints, brushes.

Invite the children to choose materials to make a peaceful picture.


You will need: a bubble machine.
Invite the children to enjoy the bubbles then repeat after you:
Prince of Peace,
breathe on us.
Fill us with the Holy Spirit.

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