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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.19-31

Active worship

Activities based on John 20.19-31

Spiritual styles abbreviations
W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
Read our Spiritual Styles articles 

A simple worship activity for all ages

Read John 20.19, repeating Jesus’ words, ‘Peace be with you’. A cantor/singer – holding a plain cross to represent the risen Jesus – sings the chorus, ‘Shalom, my friend’ to the congregation.

Ask everyone to turn and face the person next to them; if appropriate, ask them to join hands. Now invite people to sing the chorus to each other.

Continue to sing the chorus, asking people to face or join hands with another person. This can continue for as long as is appropriate.

Finally, ask everyone to sing the chorus a final time, turning to face the walls of the building – as a sign of sharing peace with the world around them. The song can be sung more than once, in each instance; it can also be sung as a round.

To help you prepare and learn the tune of ‘Shalom, my friend’, you can listen to a version on YouTube. There are several variations of the words; those used in this YouTube version are:

"Shalom, my friend. Shalom, my friend. Shalom, shalom.
God’s peace be with you. God’s peace be with you. Shalom, shalom.
Shalom, my friend. Shalom, my friend. Shalom, shalom.
Till we meet again. Till we meet again. Shalom, shalom."

The song can, as in the video clip, be sung as a round.


The question card *

Invite people to write questions about faith on sticky notes, and then to put these on a display board. Working together, decide how the various questions might be handled. For example, some might be answered there and then, while others need a considered response, or research. Select a small group to continue to work on this after the service. W E A


The affirmation card *

In advance, prepare a display of items that could be used as symbols of faith (e.g. Bible, hymn book, living plant, photo of the congregation, prayer card, a flyer for a church charity or event). Invite people to choose an item and to say, briefly, why or how it speaks to them about their faith. E S


The peace card *

Light a large candle (or gather round the Easter candle). Sing or listen to the Taizé chant ‘Peace I leave you, my peace I give you’, inviting people to imagine Jesus coming among you now, and saying these words to all present. Encourage people to pray that Jesus will help them to share his peace with others. W E S A


* Each of the activities above is particularly appropriate for those who chose the corresponding card – see Prepare the space. Use all three to give everyone an opportunity to respond; they could be set up as ‘stations’ round the worship space.

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