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Related Bible reading(s): John 20.19-31

Bible notes

John 20.19-31

  • The disciples have heard that the tomb is empty and that Jesus has appeared to the women, but they are afraid of the Jews and have locked themselves away in a house rented for the festival. John’s Gospel was written for a fearful community who felt Jesus’ absence in the face of hostility from the local synagogue. Jesus’ appearance reassures both groups. In his repeated ‘Peace be with you’, the traditional Hebrew greeting ‘Shalom’ is given new meaning as the peace that overcomes death, guilt and despair with life, reassurance and hope.

  • After showing them his crucifixion wounds, Jesus breathes God’s renewing Holy Spirit upon them. Thomas is not present and refuses to believe their account unless he is able to physically touch the Lord. The following Sunday, Jesus appears again to the disciples, and this time Thomas is with them. Jesus repeats his greeting and invites Thomas to test his identity by touching his wounds. Thomas’ doubts are dispelled as he exclaims, ‘My Lord and my God!’

  • Thomas represents those who were not there to witness Christ’s post-mortem appearances, and have their own doubts and questions to work through. Jesus praises those who take the story of his resurrection on trust, and believe the witnesses without seeing or touching him. The story is clearly not meant to remain behind locked doors. Peter, imbued with a new missionary zeal at Pentecost, makes a speech that bears witness to its trustworthiness (Acts 2.32).
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