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Related Bible reading(s): Luke 3.7-18

Share the Word

 Ways to present Luke 3.7-18

Activities marked with an asterisk  next to the activity title are in addition to the resources in the Ready to go sessions. Suggested timings for these activities are also shown. NB The inclusion of additional activities varies from week to week.


 A version of the story for very young children

Very young childrens Session

Encourage the children to copy your actions as you tell the story.

There was a man called John, who told people to get ready for Jesus.
One day some people asked him,
‘What shall we do to get ready for Jesus?’
(put arms out as if asking a question)
‘You need to share,’ said John.
(gesture around the group with one hand)
‘If you have two shirts, give one to someone who doesn’t have any clothes.
(touch your clothes and then mime handing them over)
If you have lots of food, share it with people that are hungry.
(mime eating, and then again sharing with others)
This will be a sign that you have heard the good news.’
(give a thumbs up)



Childrens Session

Read the story and pause at the  to share these points with the children (see Stop and share below). Then use the activity to explore the passage together. (10 mins)

Luke 3.7-18

Click on the image to view a PDF.


 Stop and share

  • Tax collectors were unpopular and often charged too much, keeping money for themselves.
  • Explain that the Messiah was the ‘anointed one’, someone chosen by God to save the Jewish people, also a title used for Jesus.


Key words          W

  • Read the first section of the passage, then, after the people have asked John, ‘What should we do to live a new life with God?’, ask the children to listen out for some key words about how to do this in the second section of the passage.
  • At the end, ask the children to share what they heard/thought about as you read. What key words have they come up with? E.g. share, honesty, respect.



Young people Session

Vlog versions          15 mins W E

You will need: copies of the passage, pens.

  • After you’ve read the passage, ask the young people, in small groups, to create or plan a vlog from the perspective of a soldier, tax collector or other person who was there when John spoke.
  • Consider: What did these characters think of John as a person? What did they think of what he told them to do?


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W Word E Emotion S Symbol A Action
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