Hot seat W E A
Find out how someone lives as a sign of good news
You will need: pens and paper.
- Invite one of the young people or young adults to talk to the children about being a Christian in their everyday lives.
- Help the children to decide on one question each they would like to ask about how they can be a sign of good news, i.e. how they show God’s love to others in work/school. Encourage the children to write down their question, and then, one at a time, to ask it.
Good news timetable E A
Think about how we can be good news to others
You will need: paper, pens, stickers.
- Encourage the children to think about being a sign of good news in their everyday lives. Help them to think about the way they treat others, the things they do and the words they say.
- Ask them to draw a timetable of their normal week, marking out each day and writing in where they will be and what they will be doing.
- Provide different coloured pens or stickers and ask the children to mark four different points during the week where they could be a sign of good news. Challenge them to take these home and be God’s good news this week.
Preview song, then buy online and download.
We can do good, Fischy Music
Find more suggestions on the Hymns, songs & music page.
Talk together and talk to God
Use these questions to discuss the Bible passage and then bring your thoughts together by praying to God.
Talk together
- Can you think of a time when someone told you to change the way you behave? How did that feel?
- How do you think the people felt when John answered their questions?
- How can you make the things you do a sign of the good news?
Talk to God: What should I do? E S A
Pray about taking the good news everywhere
You will need: signs that read 'school', 'home', 'church', 'park', 'sports', 'afterschool clubs'.
- Place the signs around the room and say that you are all going to walk round the room, stopping in each place to pray.
- Walk to each sign in turn. Stop and pray: ‘When I am at XXX, help me to be a sign of the good news. What should I do?’ Pause for a moment, allowing the children to pray quietly.