Related Bible reading(s): Luke 3.7-18
Hymns, songs & music
Related to the Bible readings
Includes suggestions for:
Adult & All Ages; Children & Youth; hymns in Welsh; and alternative online sources.
Suggestions for Adult & All Ages
(Songs in italics are suitable for all ages.)
Christ be in my waking
From heaven you came, helpless babe
Giver of grace
God, be in my head, and in my understanding
How could I not be on your side
How shall I sing that majesty
I give my hands to do your work
I will worship, I will worship with all of my heart
Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives
King of glory, king of peace
Let our lives become a song for you
Lord of all power, I give you my will
Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing
Show mercy, act wisely
Since the world was young
Take my life today, let it flow with praise
There’s a quiet understanding
To God be the glory, great things he has done
We have a Gospel to proclaim
You’re calling us
Sing: Suggestions for Children & Youth
Preview songs on YouTube, buy online and download.
Key to abbreviations for hymn book titles
Come on, let’s get up and go (JP 31)
God of justice/We must go, Tim Hughes (STF 699)
We can do good, Fischy Music
Goodness of God (Live), Bethel Music on Victory (chords)
Love God Love People, Danny Gokey feat. Michael W. Smith on Haven’t Seen It Yet
Good News, Mandisa on Out Of The Dark (Deluxe Edition)
Welsh hymn selection
Daioni Duw (Gwefan Gobaith)
Duw fo yn fy mhen (CFf 793)
Fe’th addolaf (Gwefan Gobaith)
I Dduw bo’r gogoniant, fe wnaeth bethau mawr (CFf 563)
I ti dymunwn fyw, O Iesu da (CFf 757)
Iesu, tyrd i’r canol (Gwefan Gobaith)
O’r nef y daeth, Fab di-nam (CFf 276)
Other music sources