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Zephaniah 3.14-20; Isaiah 12.2-6 (Canticle); Philippians 4.4-7; Luke 3.7-18


Adult & All Age

Call to worship

Let us meet with our God,
whose Spirit is with us now and throughout our daily lives.
Let us pray for opportunities to share the blessings we receive,
for God to provide the words with which we might speak them,
and inspire actions through which we might share them,
that all might be drawn to the God we serve.

A gathering prayer

This prayer may be used with an Advent wreath. Light the third candle this week.

As we light this Advent candle,
may its flame be for us a sign of the light
that reveals to us our path through life,
that inspires us to live simply and generously,
after the example and call of John the Baptist,
that we ourselves may be signs of the good news we proclaim.
In Jesus’ name.

A prayer of approach

O Lord our God,
God of the prophets and God of the now,
you are with us.
Your power gives us victory.
You take delight in us.
And in love, you give us new life.
Hear us as we come to you today.

A prayer of adoration

To you, O God, we lift our hearts; how great you are.
You are our saviour; you are our power; you are our strength.
You are the giver of life-giving water to quench our spiritual thirst.
You are a bounteous one beyond our imagining.
You are the giver of gifts beyond compare.
To you, O God, we lift our heart, we raise our eyes, and we shout in adoration.

A prayer of confession and an Assurance of forgiveness


A prayer of confession

Blessed God, hear our prayers of sadness and regret for times when we have been blind to the needs of neighbours, deaf to the cries of the distressed, silent at the sight of the abused, careless with the frightened and supportive of greed and corruption.
We confess our obsessions with things material and frivolous, fripperies wrapped in tissue paper.
Open our ears and eyes, and our hearts, to be more receptive to what we see and hear from those we meet.


Assurance of forgiveness

God knows the depths of our sorrow.
God knows the depths of our grief for wrongs done.
God knows the pains of regret for deeds undone.
God knows the depths of our hearts.
To God we repent, and forgiveness is given.

A prayer of thanksgiving

Praise to you, Lord God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We praise you for the gift of witnesses to your love.
We give thanks for the witness of John the Baptist and his message to the people and its relevance for us today.
In his story and his teaching, we see the heart of your being, fairness and justice and equality for your people.
We give you thanks for the ordinary everyday life that witnesses to your power and glory.
We give thanks that you are always surprising us and meeting us right where we are.
We give thanks for your light in our times of darkness, for your hand in times of aloneness, for your leading in times of uncertainty.
To you, our triune God, we offer our praise and thanksgiving.

Prayers of intercession

O Lord our God,
so many memories of people and places flash through our thinking as we move through Advent and prepare for Christmas, many happy memories intertwined with sadness and loss.

We pray today for those who have been part of our lives, our loving, our living, our growing and maturing; for those who have died we give thanks; and for those who are living we pray with gratitude, that they may find comfort, love, purpose, joy, hope and meaning this Christmas.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For those families who suffered so much in recent storms, who lived without basic comforts of light and heat and warm food; for those who had to moved house and leave their own home comforts; for those who stayed put and struggled to exist; for those who rallied round and helped and supported their local community in its hours of need.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For lives damaged, ruled, destroyed by illegal drugs; for those who supply, who run, who use; for those who pick up the pieces and catch the criminals and live forever with the consequences; for those who seek to help and heal, to care, to love, to support and understand.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For families suffering abuse and harm, neglect and cruelty, be they old or young, victim or perpetrator – may each of us look out for need, look out for signs and be brave enough to speak out and stand up and be counted; for medics, teachers, social workers and all on the front line of care, give them wisdom, insight and strength in the heat of the storm to do their very best for all who are in need.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For countries who seemingly choose to self-destruct, who choose to rule in ways we see as harmful, cruel and wrong; for countries who seek to establish power and influence by corruption and violence and greed; for countries who seek to show support and help and who seek peaceful ways of resolving simmering situations that look likely to explode.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For all who feel the weight of illness and pain, of death and dying; for those impacted by Covid in all its forms and those whose treatment for other conditions have been side lined or at best delayed; for those who have to prioritise and choose who has what care; for care deliverers and providers pushed into crisis by Covid and winter and increasing demand.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

For family and friends who are walking through Advent uncertain what Christmas celebrations they should arrange or embrace or cancel; for those who face Christmas alone or ill, sold or hungry, fearful of the now and more fearful of the future hardships and pain.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

Finally, we pray for ourselves that we may have eyes to see need, mouths to speak words of comfort, smiles to say ‘I love you’ when hugs are out of bounds. May we O God be your eyes, your ears, your mouth to those who share this Advent with us and those whose lives touch ours; may we be the bringers, the signs of ‘good news’ to them.

O Lord our God,
this is our prayer.

These are our prayers for all you people.

A prayer for all ages together

The world says, ‘You can never have enough money’; but we say,
‘Let’s share. Let’s dare to be different.’
The world says, ‘You can never have too many clothes’; but we say,
‘Let’s share. Let’s dare to be different.’
The world says, ‘Enough is never really enough’; but we say,
‘Let’s share. Let’s dare to be different.’
In Jesus’ name,
‘Let’s share. Let’s dare to be different.’

A sending out prayer

Lord, help us to go into the world in peace;
to be of good courage;
to hold fast to that which is good;
to strengthen the fainthearted;
to support the weak;
to honour everyone;
and to love and serve the Lord.
Be within us and among us,
and remain with us always.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Oedolion a Phob Oed  12-18 Rhagfyr 2021 • Adfent 3

Beth felly ddylem ni ei wneud?

Luc 3.7-18

Galwad i addoli

Gadewch i ni gyfarfod ein Duw,
yr hwn y mae ei Ysbryd gyda ni yn awr a thrwy gydol ein bywydau beunyddiol.
Gadewch i ni weddïo am gyfleoedd i rannu’r bendithion a dderbyniwn,
a gweddïo ar i Dduw roi geiriau i ni gyfleu ei fendithion,
ac ysbrydoli gweithredoedd er mwyn i ni fedru rhannu’r bendithion,
fel y tynnir pawb at y Duw a wasanaethwn ni.

Gweddi ymgynnull

Gellir defnyddio’r weddi hon gyda thorch Adfent. Cyneuwch y drydedd cannwyll yr wythnos hon.

Wrth i ni gynnau’r gannwyll Adfent hon,
boed i’w fflam fod yn arwydd i ni o’r goleuni
sy’n datgelu i ni ein llwybr trwy fywyd,
sy’n ein hysbrydoli i fyw yn syml ac yn hael,
yn ôl esiampl a galwad Ioan Fedyddiwr,
fel y gallwn ni ein hunain fod yn arwyddion o’r newyddion da a gyhoeddwn.
Yn enw Iesu.

Gweddi ddynesu

O Arglwydd ein Duw,
Dduw y proffwydi a Duw y presennol,
rwyt ti gyda ni.
Mae dy nerth yn rhoi buddugoliaeth i ni.
Rwyt yn ymhyfrydu ynom ni.
Ac mewn cariad, rwyt yn rhoi i ni fywyd newydd.
Clyw ni wrth i ni ddod atat heddiw.

Gweddi o addoliad

Dyrchafwn ein calonnau atat ti, O Dduw; mor fawr wyt ti.
Ti yw ein gwaredwr; ti yw ein grym; ti yw ein nerth.
Ti sy’n rhoi dŵr bywiol i dorri ein syched ysbrydol.
Ti sy’n haelfrydig tu hwnt i’n dychymyg.
Ti sy’n rhoi rhoddion anghymharol.
Atat ti, O Dduw, dyrchafwn ein calon, codwn ein llygaid
a bloeddiwn ein haddoliad.

Gweddi o gyffes

Dduw bendigaid, clyw ein gweddïau o dristwch ac edifeirwch
am yr adegau pan fuom yn ddall i anghenion ein cymdogion,
yn fyddar i gri’r gofidus, yn ddistaw wrth weld rhai’n cael eu cam-drin,
yn ddiofal o’r rhai ofnus ac yn cefnogi hunanoldeb a llygredd.
Cyfaddefwn ein bod yn poeni gormod am bethau materol a disylwedd,
petheuach wedi’u lapio mewn papur sidan.
Agor ein clustiau a’n llygaid, a’n calonnau, i fod yn fwy parod i dderbyn
yr hyn y byddwn yn ei weld a’i glywed gan y rhai y byddwn yn eu cyfarfod.

Sicrwydd o faddeuant

Mae Duw yn gwybod dyfnder ein tristwch.
Mae Duw yn gwybod ein gofid pan fyddwn wedi camymddwyn.
Mae Duw yn gwybod poen ein hedifeirwch am yr hyn na wnaethom.
Mae Duw yn gwybod dyfnder ein calonnau.
Cyfaddefwn gerbron Duw, a byddwn yn derbyn maddeuant.

Gweddi o ddiolchgarwch

Mawl i ti, Arglwydd Dduw, Dad, Mab ac Ysbryd Glân.
Molwn di am y rhodd o dystion i’th gariad.
Diolchwn am dystiolaeth Ioan Fedyddiwr
a’i neges i’r bobl sy’n berthnasol i ni heddiw.
Yn ei stori a’i ddysgeidiaeth, gwelwn galon dy fod,
tegwch a chyfiawnder a chydraddoldeb i’th bobl.
Diolchwn i ti am y bywyd cyffredin bob dydd sy’n tystio
i’th allu a’th ogoniant.
Diolchwn i ti dy fod bob amser yn ein synnu
ac yn ein cyfarfod yn union ble rydym.
Diolchwn am dy oleuni yn ein hamseroedd tywyll ni,
am dy law pan fyddwn yn unig,
am dy arweiniad pan fyddwn yn ansicr.
I ti, ein Duw tri yn un, cynigiwn ein mawl a’n diolchgarwch.

Gweddi ar gyfer pob oed gyda’i gilydd

Mae’r byd yn dweud, ‘Fedrwch chi byth gael digon o arian’; ond dywedwn ni,
‘Rhannwn. Meiddiwn fod yn wahanol.’
Mae’r byd yn dweud, ‘Fedrwch chi byth gael gormod o ddillad’; ond dywedwn ni,
‘Rhannwn. Meiddiwn fod yn wahanol.’
Mae’r byd yn dweud, ‘Nid yw digon byth wir yn ddigon’; ond dywedwn ni,
‘Rhannwn. Meiddiwn fod yn wahanol.’
Yn enw Iesu,
‘Rhannwn. Meiddiwn fod yn wahanol.’

Gweddi i gloi

Arglwydd, helpa ni i fynd i’r byd mewn heddwch;
i fod yn ddewr;
i ddal ein gafael yn yr hyn sy’n dda;
i gryfhau’r gwangalon;
i gefnogi’r gwan;
i barchu pawb;
ac i garu a gwasanaethu’r Arglwydd.
Bydd o’n mewn ac yn ein plith,
ac aros gyda ni bob amser.

Children & Youth

A gathering prayer for children

Creator God,
today, may we know your good news.
Fill us with the joy of knowing Jesus.

A prayer of thanksgiving for children

God of good news,
we thank you for all the good things in our lives;
the outdoors, hobbies, friendships.
Most of all we thank you for the best thing you have given us,
a chance to be your followers.

A prayer for forgiveness for children

Loving Lord,
forgive us for the times when we have not been
a sign of your good news;
for times we have been selfish or unkind
and lived for ourselves instead of you.

A prayer for others for children

Response line: Help us to be your good news.

Loving Jesus,
where people are hungry:
Help us to be your good news.
Where people are divided...
Where people are in despair...
Where people have lost faith and hope...

A sending out prayer for children

Holy Spirit,
thank you that you are good to us;
help us to be good to each other.
May our lives proclaim your good news.

Pray in a circle

Stand or sit in a circle and pass a smile from one person to another, adding the words ‘Good news’ as you smile. Say ‘We are the good news’ and all respond 'Come, Lord Jesus'.

Gweddïau ar gyfer Plant ac Ieuenctid 12-18 Rhagfyr 2021

Beth felly ddylem ni ei wneud?

Luc 3.7-18 Adfent 3

Gweddi ymgynnull

Greawdwr Dduw,
heddiw, boed i ni wybod dy newyddion da.
Llanw ni â’r llawenydd o adnabod Iesu.

Gweddïo mewn cylch

Sefwch neu eisteddwch mewn cylch a phasiwch wên ymlaen
o’r naill berson i’r llall, gan ychwanegu’r geiriau ‘Newyddion da’
wrth i chi wenu. Dywedwch ‘Ni yw’r newyddion da’ a phawb i
ymateb 'Tyrd, Arglwydd Iesu'.

Gweddi o ddiolch

Dduw y newyddion da,
diolchwn i ti am yr holl bethau da yn ein bywydau;
yr awyr agored, diddordebau, cyfeillgarwch.
Yn fwyaf oll diolchwn i ti am y peth gorau rwyt wedi ei roi i ni,
y cyfle i fod yn ddilynwyr i ti.

Gweddi am faddeuant

Arglwydd cariadlon,
maddau i ni am yr adegau pan fu i ni fethu bod
yn arwydd o’th newyddion da;
ac am yr adegau pan oeddem yn hunanol neu yn gas
ac yn byw er ein mwyn ein hunain yn hytrach nag er dy fwyn di.

Gweddi dros eraill

Llinell ymateb: Helpa ni i fod dy newyddion da di.

Iesu cariadlon,
ble mae pobl yn newynog:
Helpa ni i fod dy newyddion da di.
Ble mae pobl yn rhanedig...
Ble mae pobl mewn gofid...
Ble mae pobl wedi colli ffydd a gobaith...

Gweddi i gloi

Ysbryd Glân,
diolch i ti dy fod yn dda gyda ni;
helpa ni i fod yn dda tuag at ein gilydd.
Boed i’n bywydau gyhoeddi dy newyddion da.

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