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Related Bible reading(s): Psalm 126

Respond to the Word

A range of activities for Children (C) and Young People (YP) based on Psalm 126


Wildest dreams (C+YP 10 mins)

A memory game to get thinking about dreams

  • Sit the group in a circle and ask them to think for a moment of something exciting that they could only dream might happen. Encourage them to use their imagination and not to worry about how realistic it might be, but tell them they have to be able to describe it using just a few words.
  • Choose a volunteer to start. They will say, ‘In my wildest dreams...’ and describe their dream in three or four words only. (For example, ‘In my wildest dreams I fly to the moon.’)
  • Going clockwise, the next child says, ‘In my wildest dreams...’ then describes their own dream followed by the first dream. (For example, ‘In my wildest dreams I swim with dolphins and fly to the moon.’)
  • Each child has to list their own dream followed by every previous dream, until the last child in the circle has to list everyone’s dreams.
  • Explain that the psalm says that, when God brought his people back to Jerusalem, they were so happy it seemed as if their wildest dreams had come true.


Hallelujah! (C 5 mins)

Shouts of joy from around the world

Ask children to repeat after you some shouts of joy from around the world, shouting them as loudly as they can:

Hallelujah! (Israel)
Slava bogu! (Russia)
Buíochas le Dia! (Gaelic)
Puji Tuhan! (Indonesia)
Sifa Kwa Mungu (Swahili)
Pris Herren! (Denmark)

If you have members of your church who have lived in other countries, invite them to come and share with the group how God is praised in that language/culture.

Encourage the children to try to find out other shouts of joy this week.


What can you do? (YP)

A practical shout of joy

You will need: information about aid agencies, or those listed below; internet access.

  • People still get caught up a long way from home, frightened in a strange land.
  • Find out about the work of church and other agencies to support refugees and asylum seekers, the homeless or the runaway, in this country.
  • Discover a practical thing you might do to celebrate their work and raise their prole in your community. While this is about becoming more aware, it is also celebrating God at work through the agencies and actions of God’s people.


Rap for joy (C+YP 15 mins)

A chance to respond to the good things God has done

You will need: pencils and paper.

  • Ask the group to share ideas about what God has done that make us want to shout for joy.
  • Tell them that the psalm says the people were lled with ‘shouts of joy’ or ‘happy songs’, and that they are going to turn their ideas into a rap.
  • Encourage them to think of a beat for their rap to go to – read out and tap along to ‘a-one and a-two and a-three and a-four’ as an example.
  • People might work in twos or threes to write a ‘rap for joy’, including some of their ideas. A rap can rhyme but doesn’t have to.
  • If they feel comfortable doing so, you could ask them to perform their rap to the rest of the group.


Great things collage (C 10 mins)

Describing the great things God has done in the world

You will need: coloured paper; pencils; scissors; glue; glitter; sequins.

  • Ask the children to think of things that God has done that makes them feel happy, and choose one of these things to make a collage of it using the materials provided.
  • Encourage them to create as bright, colourful and joyful a collage as they can.


Noise (C 10 mins)

Make shakers to create a joyful noise

You will need: yoghurt pots; dried beans or peas; strong tape; paper; colouring pens or paint.

You may have made shakers from the activity on 7 October. If so, use them again creating shouts of joy. If not, you could make them now. 

  • Ask the children to come up with their own ‘shout of joy’, something they want to praise God for, and write it on their shaker. Remind them about how people celebrate when someone scores a goal at a football match. Can they be just as exuberant?
  • Play or sing a song of praise and invite the children to make as much joyful noise as you can bear!


Arrow prayers (C+YP 5 mins)

A quick prayer

  • Explain to the group that, over the last four weeks, we have been looking at different prayers in the psalms, but that prayers don’t have to be formal, structured and planned.
  • An arrow prayer is a very short prayer of only three or four words that we can fire up to God quickly, just like an arrow red from a bow. Arrow prayers can be said out loud or in our heads.
  • Ask the youngsters to think of some arrow prayers to go with verses 1-3 of today’s psalm. These are arrow prayers that shout to God with joy.
  • Finally, ask them to think of some arrow prayers to go with verse 4 of today’s psalm. These prayers ask for God’s help.


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