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Jeremiah 31.7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 7.23-28; Mark 10.46-52

Send out

A prayer and discipleship action for this coming week

Adult & All Age

Live in faith

A sending out message and action for the week ahead

Think about things that you have in your power to restore, for example, a broken gate, or, more importantly, a broken relationship. Set about doing what you can to restore these things to wholeness.

A sending out prayer

Fill our mouths with laughter, Lord

To be said together
Fill our mouths with laughter, Lord,
and our tongues with songs of joy;
and we will say among the nations
that the Lord has done great things,
and we rejoice!

Children & Young People

Live in faith

A sending out message and action for the week ahead

Young People

Begin each day by saying thank you to God, for all God does in the world.

End each day by saying thank you to God, for all God has done for you.

Children & Young People

Encourage the children to look for signs of God in action in the world, and to fire an arrow prayer to God to give thanks for these times.

A sending out prayer

Teach us...

Teach us to be glad.
Teach us to celebrate all you have done for us and all you continue to do in our lives.
Alleluia, loving God, let us shout for joy!

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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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