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Jeremiah 31.7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 7.23-28; Mark 10.46-52


Adult & All Age

A gathering prayer

As we gather before you, Lord,
help us to remember
the things you have restored in our lives.
We bring before you all situations when
circumstances, fortunes and relationships have been restored,
and we praise you.

Call to worship

You, Lord, have done great things for us!
You have done great things for us,
and we rejoice!

A prayer of approach

We praise you, Lord, because you attend to matters great and small.
We come before you with differing needs,
some major, some minor;
Whatever they may be, we have faith that you will listen,
and restore the fortunes of your servants.

A prayer for all ages together

Lord, the desert is a dry, difficult place,
but you send streams to flow there.
(make flowing motion with arm)
Sometimes, our lives seem dry and difficult,
but your love flows right into them.
(make flowing motion with arm)
Thank you for flooding us with love!
You have done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy!

(make flowing motion with arm)

A prayer of confession

Forgive us, Lord, for forgetting so easily:
we forget that you have worked in our lives in the past;
we forget to be thankful for these things;
We forget that these events show your love for us,
and should give us cause to hope.
Forgive us for forgetting to hope;
for allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed by despair,
and forgetting our faith in you.
Forgive us, Lord, for forgetting so easily.

A way into prayer

Look at old photographs and think about the stories behind them, not just the moments they capture. Perhaps some of those scenes of joy came after major difficulties, or a long, hard slog. Thank God that you made it.

Prayers of intercession

We pray today for all in need of restoration:
for those whose relationships are going through a bad patch:
restore them, O Lord;
for those who suffer in body, mind or soul:
restore them, O Lord;
for those exhausted by responsibility;
restore them, O Lord;
for those who have lost their jobs:
restore them, O Lord;
for those who have lost loved ones, and grieve;
restore them, O Lord.
for those who have lost their joy in living;
restore them, O Lord.
O Lord, restore our fortunes,
like the watercourses in the Negeb.
May those who sow in tears,
reap with shouts of joy.

A personal prayer

Lord, I am amazed when I look back
and see how you have worked in my life.
I recall the times when I felt so low
that I was almost eating the dust;
but you raised me up, filled me with hope,
turned my night into morning.
You changed my dirge of despair into a song of joy,
and I praise you, Lord,
for the great things you have done for me.

A prayer of thanksgiving

We thank you, Lord, for times of restoration:
for the dawning of morning light after the night;
for the coming of spring after winter;
for light in our lives after spells of darkness;
for rejuvenation when we were weary.
We thank you for restoration to health after illness;
to renewed relationships after brokenness;
to employment after joblessness;
and we thank you for restoring hope
when all seemed hopeless.
We thank you, Lord, for harvests of joy,
after life has been arid and dry.

A sending out prayer

To be said together
Fill our mouths with laughter, Lord,
and our tongues with songs of joy;
and we will say among the nations
that the Lord has done great things,
and we rejoice!

A gathering prayer for children

How glad we are that we are here today with our friends to learn more about you, Lord.
We are glad to be able to celebrate all you have done for us.

A prayer of commitment (for children)

May the dreams that I dream be from you, oh Lord,
may the hopes that I hope come from you.
May the praise that I shout be for you, oh Lord,
may the promises I claim be from you.
May the trust that I trust be in you, oh Lord,
may the songs that I sing be for you.

A prayer of praise and thanksgiving for children to sing

Sing to the tune of 'Three Blind Mice'

God loves us, (x2)
God makes us happy, (x2)
God keeps all the promises he makes to us
and so we know in him we can trust,
nothing can change his love for us.
Yes, God loves us.

A prayer of joy (for children)

Look at the world you have made for us,
Alleluia, shout for joy!
Feel the love you pour out on us,
Alleluia, shout for joy!
See the promises you have made to us,
Alleluia, shout for joy!
Look at the people you have given us,
Alleluia, shout for joy!

Children & Young People

A sending out prayer

Teach us to be glad.
Teach us to celebrate all you have done for us and all you continue to do in our lives.
Alleluia, loving God, let us shout for joy!

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