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Jeremiah 31.7-9; Psalm 126; Hebrews 7.23-28; Mark 10.46-52


Bringing people to community

Adult & All Age

Prepare the space

Make a jigsaw of your congregation! 

For this, you will need to do the following in advance: take a photo of your congregation, and make a jigsaw of it on a computer. As the congregation gathers, play the ‘scrambling’ of the pieces and their ‘restoration’ on a loop. On the fully restored slide, superimpose the words, ‘When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion...’

You might like to listen to Psalm 126 sung in Hebrew, the language in which it was composed. There are two links to recordings in the Further Resources section.

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Gathering words

In those special moments...

In those special moments when we know that God is close to us, it is as though everything comes together in a dream. Today in Psalm 126 we encounter the attempt of the psalmist to express those moments of awareness, when everything seems right.

A gathering prayer

As we gather before you, Lord

As we gather before you, Lord,
help us to remember
the things you have restored in our lives.
We bring before you all situations when
circumstances, fortunes and relationships have been restored,
and we praise you.

A gathering prayer for children

How glad we are that we are here today

How glad we are that we are here today with our friends to learn more about you, Lord.
We are glad to be able to celebrate all you have done for us.

Children & Young People

Prepare the space

Decorate the room for a celebration

Decorate the room as if you were celebrating something. You could use flags, bunting, banners, streamers or balloons. As the group arrives, play some joyful music.

Gathering activity

Play a simple memory game

Play a simple memory game by placing a selection of party items (e.g. party popper, blowout, rattle, whistle, confetti, candle, badge, bubbles) on a tray. Give the children 60 seconds to memorise the items. Out of sight, remove one item then ask the children to guess what is missing.

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