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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 6.1-13

Present the reading

A dramatic presentation of John 15.9-17

This is a contemporary retelling of the Gospel passage with people from the congregation as themselves.

Jesus is identified by wearing a white T-shirt.

You will need a couple of people to interrupt Jesus and a small group to represent the disciples who follow him. The characters will need to be prepared.

Jesus walks to the front of the building and starts teaching the congregation. He could start saying something about the Old Testament reading, for example. A few people, including children and young people, move to sit around him. Then a few begin to mutter.

Someone stands up and says, ‘Who do you think you are?’

Another voice joins in: ‘You can’t preach to us. We know you are Bob and Jill’s son [use real names for effect]. We know what you did when you were a lad!’

More people stand up and get cross. Jesus shakes his head. Then he says: ‘Nobody appreciates who you are in your home town.’ He walks away, the small seated group going with him to a second place in the church.

Jesus begins to talk to the group who followed him. He tells them they are to go out in twos, and that they are to heal people and set them free.

Someone asks him: ‘What do I need? Will I need my make-up? My waterproofs?’ Jesus laughs and says, ‘You don’t need anything at all. Just take a stick for the rough ground. Don’t even take a packed lunch. And don’t bother with a money belt either, not even a bit of change for an emergency. Oh, and leave your mobile at home!’

The members of the group [the disciples] mutter to each other.

Jesus continues: ‘When you get somewhere, find a friendly house and stay there for as long as you need. But if they don’t want you, just leave quickly and without a fuss.’

The disciples get into twos and make their way out of the church door, with enthusiasm and energy.

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