Adult & All Age
Send us out, Lord, into the places that we know
Send us out, Lord, into the places that we know,
bearing the good news of your risen life.
Send us out, Lord, into the less familiar places:
the unknown and less trodden paths.
Give us strength there to speak your word,
to live your truth and to make known the story
of a people and a world made new. Amen.
A sending out message and action for the week ahead
Take time this week to reach out in friendship to someone in your neighbourhood whom you have often seen, but have never spoken to.
Children & Young People
You have a job for us to do
You have a job for us to do, to show people who you are.
Send us out together, Lord, to show you to the world.
A sending out message and action for the week ahead
Children & Young People
Remember to help one another this week. Try to work with someone else to do something two by two. You could set up prayer partners so that everyone has someone to pray for, and someone praying for them.
Young People
This week, encourage the young people to support each other in the task of being a disciple, by praying for each other and offering encouragement. This could be a good opportunity to set up a prayer partner scheme.