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Ezekiel 2.1-5; Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12.2-10; Mark 6.1-13


Adult & All Age

A gathering prayer

O Lord, help us to listen.  
And when we hear you calling us on,
help us to let go,
though it is hard,
and follow where you lead us.

Call to worship

God says,
You are never too young, never too old,
to be part of my work.
Come near,
all who are weak,
all who are afraid,
all who know their need of me.
Lord, meet us where we are,
meet us in our need.
We give our lives to you.

A prayer of approach

God says, I will speak with you;
I will strengthen you;
I will send you.
O Lord, give us ears to hear,
courage to respond
and hearts to serve you, today and always.

A prayer for all ages together

Invite people to hold out their hands with the palms face down and to offer to God all they need to let go of. Give thanks to God who takes from us what we hold and carries our burdens.

Turn hands palm up and invite people to consider what it is that God may be asking of them. Invite people to ask for the gifts they need to answer this call. Give thanks to the God who calls us and equips us for ministry.

A prayer of confession

We bring to you our failure to see your love for us.


O Lord,
in sadness for our wrongs we lift our eyes to you.
Cleanse us in your love: we lift our hearts to you.

We bring to you our failure to let go and move on.


O Lord,
in sadness for our wrongs we lift our eyes to you.
Cleanse us in your love: we lift our hearts to you.

We bring to you our failure to rely on your word.


O Lord,
in sadness for our wrongs we lift our eyes to you.
Cleanse us in your love: we lift our hearts to you.

O God,
forgive what we have been and put right what we are.
Set our feet firmly on the path that leads to you.

A way into prayer

God says, 'I will speak with you'. Reflect on God’s calling on your life. What are you being called into today? Is God still calling you to the work you are doing, or is God calling you out and on to new adventures and new things?

Prayers of intercession

We bring our prayers to you, O God, saying:
give your grace for the work of today,
and trust in your strength for tomorrow.

We pray for the trouble in our world…
To all who work to bring healing to people and places in distress,
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.

We pray for the witness of your people…
To ministers in the church and all leaders of your people
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.

We pray for your ways to be known in…
To those in public life
and people who make decisions that affect the lives of many,
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.

We pray for…
(offer names or allow silence inviting the congregation to name people in silence)
and ask that in times of sadness and pain,
where all hope seems lost, you would
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.

We pray for strength to live as we should.
To us, your people, as we try to follow you
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.

A prayer of thanksgiving

We praise you, O God,
for your love beyond all telling,
your kindness without limits, your joy without end.

We praise you, O God
for forgiveness beyond measure,
mystery past imagination, plans too big to see.

May we never think we have got to the end of all that you are,
or believe that we can contain the wonder of your presence.

A personal prayer

Compassionate God,
always loving to those who seek you,
mend us where we hurt,
then send us where you will:
that we might speak, live and act as people who know
the love that makes all things whole,
and offer your hand of peace
to a world that needs to know
your word of life and hope. Amen.

A sending out prayer

Send us out, Lord, into the places that we know,
bearing the good news of your risen life.
Send us out, Lord, into the less familiar places:
the unknown and less trodden paths.
Give us strength there to speak your word,
to live your truth and to make known the story
of a people and a world made new. Amen.

Children & Young People

A gathering prayer (for children)

Thank you that we can gather here together, to help each other as we learn more about you, Lord, and to help each other live in a way that makes you happy.

A way into prayer (for children)

Two by two,
Things are easier to do when it’s two by two.
Sharing a problem,
carrying shopping,
playing with cars,
dancing to music,
crossing the road,
baking a cake,
helping at school,
believing in you,
it’s easier to do when it’s two by two.

A prayer of praise (for children)

Lord Jesus,
thank you that you understand
that sometimes we find it difficult
to talk to people about you,
to tell them how we feel about you
or to try to make them understand.
Thank you that we have our group
where we can be with others
who want to know more about you.  

A prayer activity for young disciples (to the tune of ‘The animals went in two by two’)

The disciples went out two by two,
hurrah, hurrah. (x2)
The disciples went out two by two,
to tell the people all about you,
And they went out to the sick and made them well.

A sending out prayer

You have a job for us to do, to show people who you are.
Send us out together, Lord, to show you to the world.

Find prayer activities in Explore & respond and the
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