We bring our prayers to you, O God, saying:
give your grace for the work of today,
and trust in your strength for tomorrow.
We pray for the trouble in our world…
To all who work to bring healing to people and places in distress,
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.
We pray for the witness of your people…
To ministers in the church and all leaders of your people
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.
We pray for your ways to be known in…
To those in public life
and people who make decisions that affect the lives of many,
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.
We pray for…
(offer names or allow silence inviting the congregation to name people in silence)
and ask that in times of sadness and pain,
where all hope seems lost, you would
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.
We pray for strength to live as we should.
To us, your people, as we try to follow you
give your grace for the work of today, and trust… etc.