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Related Bible reading(s): Mark 6.1-13

Respond to the Word

Ideas to suit different interests, ages and learning preferences.

The Children’s Sheet offers activities to do in worship & at home

A pairs game

Below is a template to make a Bible pairs game. Make several sets of cards, mix them up and give them to groups of people. Invite them to sort the cards and match the pairs of characters.

Explore partnership

Many mission organisations and development charities work on a partnership basis. Christian Aid, for example, directs its resources to work with local partners in places that need its help, so that local people, who understand local needs, can direct help most usefully. The organisations also particularly value the support of those who provide funding and they work really hard to keep funders informed. Provide a pile of literature from charities and mission organisations, and a list of web addresses, and invite people to find out more about partnership working.

Take nothing with you

Invite two volunteers to come to the front ready to leave the church. Make sure they bring with them everything they have brought – bags, content of pockets, etc. – and make them put it all into a tray or box, as you would when going through a security scanner. Tell them you are going to keep all their possessions. Invite them to say what it feels like to be sent out with nothing. Ask them what their plans are now going to be. Invite everyone else to offer them some advice.

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Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
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