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Lent 5 Year B 2009
Jeremiah 31.31-34


Jeremiah writes to the Israelites exiled in Babylon, who have believed that they could only worship in Jerusalem, telling them their exile will last 70 years but they can both worship and integrate with society, because God is sovereign.

Common thread – Heart of the covenant (Jeremiah 31.31-34)

This week the ROOTS resources look at what is, perhaps, the most important single Old Testament event, the establishment of the New Covenant – a new relationship with his people which God creates and promises to sustain.An alternative thread, for adults, Offers the opportunity to explore something of what the writer of the letter to the Hebrews has to say about what Jesus portrays of God and how our lives should reflect that.

These resources were first published in Issue 40 March/April 2009.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Lent 5 Year B
Jeremiah 31.31-34; Psalm 51.1-12; Psalm 119.9-16; Hebrews 5.5-10; John 12.20-33

Passion Sunday

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