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Jeremiah 31.31-34; Psalm 51.1-12; Psalm 119.9-16; Hebrews 5.5-10; John 12.20-33


Adult & All Age

Gathering words

We are loved by God; all are loved by God.
This is an eternal truth, revealed by Jeremiah, fulfilled by Jesus and celebrated by us today.

Call to worship

Night has gone, day has broken.
Thanks be to God.

We are loved as the people we are.
Thanks be to God.
With hearts aflame with love
we praise the Lord.

A prayer for all ages together

Lord God,
how can we praise you?
How can we know you?
Yet you gave us Jesus Christ
to show us what you are like and how to love.

Teach us again your message of love,
and if we ever doubt,
lift our eyes to Jesus.
Remind us that in the symbol of his cross
your love touches and teaches us,
our families,
our friends,
and through us, many more.
For Jesus' sake.

A prayer of approach

O Lord of exile and of home;
O Christ of challenge and of comfort;
O Spirit of truth and of justice:
we worship you with love and affection.

There is no place to which we go that you are not.
There is neither noise nor clamour that can drown the sound of your call.
There are no events past, present or future which call in question your invitation.
We worship you with confidence born of experience.

Lord Jesus Christ, you hold out your hands to us:
hands which heal, restore and renew us;
hands which invite us to place ours in yours and follow;
hands that embrace and enfold us.
We worship you in the security of your firm grasp of us.

Holy Spirit of God, unfailingly you support us,
leading us day by day towards your truth.
Fill our hearts that we may share your love.
We worship you with enthusiasm.

A prayer of confession

Lord our God,
you know who we are and how we are.
Our strengths and weaknesses are known to you.
Forgive our failure to hear and respond.
Forgive our unwillingness to trust your promises.
Let us know the healing touch of your forgiveness,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

A prayer of praise

Lord God, intimately close,
known by each one of us when we commit ourselves to you,
yet greater by far than we can ever imagine,
we praise you.

For entering into relationship with us,
we praise you.

For sending Jesus to show us how to love,
we praise you.

Hold us close to your heart, Lord God,
and keep us faithful as we follow Jesus on his journey to the cross.

For you are our God,
who delights to call us friends,
and longs for our wholehearted trust.

A prayer of intercession

Gracious God we are blessed in our community:
we have each other.
We are blessed in our sanctuary:
we have our tradition and our memories.
We are blessed in you:
we have your love and support.

There are many who have no community,
who have no sense of belonging,
no one with whom they can identify:
for all such we pray.

There are many who have no sanctuary,
no place of tradition
and thus no sense of where they come from,
no place of memory, of shared experience,
of joy or sorrow, of sadness and happiness.
For all such we pray.

There are many
who have no sense of your otherness
or of your closer presence,
who walk life's road placing their trust in limited human resources;
others who have confidence only in themselves.
For all such we pray.

Lord of life, the accompanier of all journeys,
make yourself known
in a gentle word, a welcoming smile,
an open hand, a comforting touch,
even in the breaking of bread and wine.
So continue to journey with us
until travelling days are done,
and we find ourselves
in that place of many mansions.
In Jesus' name we pray.

A personal prayer for the week

Lord of life, the accompanier of all journeys,
help us to make you known
in a gentle word, a welcoming smile,
an open hand, a comforting touch,
until we find ourselves
in that place of many mansions.

A Celtic-style blessing

May God, who knows where you are,
help you on the journey.
May Jesus, who has walked before you,
guide your steps.
May the Spirit, who embraces the wanderer,
nourish you as you travel.
And may the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
await your arrival with joy and love.

A sending out prayer

Go into the world, knowing that God is with you.
Go into the world with the peace of Christ upon you.
Go into the world with the blessing of the Holy Spirit.
And may the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
rest upon and remain with us,
this day and ever more.

Children & Young People

Gathering prayer for children

Loving God,
we are your children. We know you love us,
and so we gather ready to worship you.

Prayer activities around Heart of the covenant theme

For children

God is love prayer

Invite everyone to say a short prayer for the person on their right, saying thank you to God for the special person next to them. Bring the prayer time to a close with the following prayer.

Loving God,
no matter who we are, or what we do,
you are there for us.
You know us, each and every one:
our names, our likes, and our loves.
You know all the good things about us
and all the bad,
and still you love us so.
Every day you care for us,
morning, noon and night.
You have opened your heart to us
and we love you with all our hearts.

For young people

In my heart

A prayer activity.

You will need: heart shape slips of paper or sticky notes, pens or pencils, love track album and the means to play it.

Ask the young people to select one of the quotes from the Hearty quotes quiz. Encourage them to choose the one which they feel speaks to them the most.

Invite the young people to write the quote on one side of their heart shape.

Then invite them to turn the heart over and on the back, write their own description of love, or a sentence about what it means.

Invite the young people to gather in a circle and share a moment or two of silence. Play a love track that you feel will speak most to your group (e.g. ‘I want to know what love is’, Foreigner) and invite them to create a group heart with their individual slips.

Sending out prayer for children

Known by you and loved by you, we go on our way,
carrying your love inside us in all we do through the coming week.



Gathering prayer for young people

In the conflict of the world and our lives,
we come together to learn about your love for us
and how we can touch the hearts of others.

Sending out prayer for young people

Leader proclaims to the young people:

God claims you, and knows you and you will know God.

Young people reply:
Lord, you have written your name on our hearts,
you are claiming us.
Let us go out with love,
let us show your love in this world.




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