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Related Bible reading(s): Jeremiah 31.31-34

Hymns, songs & music

Related to the Bible readings

Titles in plain black are suggested for adult worship.
Titles in italics are particularly suitable for adults or when all ages worship together.
Titles for use with children on their own are shown in red type.
Red and italics together indicate songs suitable for adults, children or all ages together.
Titles in blue are those in the list of children's 'Covenant song suggestions'.

A covenant song (under Prayers for the season on this website)
A debtor to mercy alone (HTC)
Abba, Father, let me be
Amazing Grace
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love

Glory be to Jesus
Higher, higher (KS, TS, SOF)
How Firm a Foundation (Sing to the Lord)
I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
I'm special
In everything that I do (JP, KS)

It is a thing most wonderful
Just As I Am
Jesus, thank you for the cross (KS)
Lift high the cross
Lift his name high (KS)
Lord, I lift your name on high

My Lord, what love is this
My song is love unknown
O my Saviour, lifted
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Stay with us (Taizé) (BPW, RS)
Such love, pure as the whitest snow
Take, O take me as I am (CH4, SG, WGWG)
Thank you, Jesus
There is a Redeemer
We cannot measure how you heal (CP)
What kind of man was this (CHY)
Will you come and follow me?
You are our God, we are your people

(Key to abbreviations - where no abbreviation is given, the song is in five or more well-known books.)

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