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Lent 5 Year B 2006
John 12.20-33

The hour has come (AAA)

What rewards do we expect to receive through following Jesus? Who would not be forgiven for believing this glory was one of strength and might?

Have ears to hear (CYP)

Jesus speaks about his God-given mission, a message to which we need to listen.

Additional Resources

Take his hand (AAA) based on Jeremiah 31.31-34

God expresses his concern for peace to both parties in the conflict and offers a new promise based on a relationship of love and peace rather than of judgement and guilt.

Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Lent 5 Year B
John 12.20-33; Jeremiah 31.31-34; Psalm 51.1-12; Hebrews 5.5-10

 Passion Sunday

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