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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Talk about

Discussion ideas for children and young people

For children

Write the words ‘Mission Statement’ on a flipchart.

Explain to the children that these days almost every business and organisation has a mission statement. People looking for jobs are encouraged to write mission statements too. A mission statement should be no more than four sentences long and answer three main questions: What are we here for; what should we be doing; what do we believe? Note the three questions on the flipchart and then ask children to look at the Bible passage and decide which verses show us how Jesus would have answered them. Ask the children what sorts of thing they think he would want his followers to put into their mission statements. After noting their suggestions on a flip chart, compare them with the mission statements on the display board (see Prepare the space ). Finally give the children individual cards with the three questions on and encourage them to write or draw their answers to create their own personal mission statement.

For young people

Ask the young people what sayings or proverbs they know. Do they agree with them and what do they think they mean? For example, ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’, ‘many hands make light work’. What are our own slogans or mottos for a Christian life?

Share with the young people some of the tough situations we might face in life, talk about who we can turn to in times of need and how these people support us. Consider with them:

  • Do we always recognise who is supporting and encouraging us through life?
  • Do we need to thank those people?
  • Are we there to support others in life? How can we use our talents to help others to grow?
  • Help the young people to understand that we have both a horizontal and vertical relationship with God. We are aware that God walks with us and suffers and laughs with us. Yet we are also aware that God gives us an ideal and a challenge to fulfil so we can grow closer together in God’s love.

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