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Related Bible reading(s): John 12.20-33

Prepare the space

Ideas for a focal point with children and young people

For children

Display ‘astronaut’ images and space-related information (see Respond to the Word ).

In one area place a sand tray with a range of superhero toys (Batman, Superman or The Incredibles) or a ‘Thunderbird’ island for young children to play with.

In another area display Christian ‘mission statements’. (If possible these should include short statements by members of your church — see Make connections.) If your church has a mission statement, this could be central to the display.

For young people

Display a cross next to a large picture or projection of earth from space, symbolising how our salvation hangs on the response of Christ.

Display different forms of communication around the room, including pens, paper, words, books, radio, newspapers and phones.

Cover the entire floor with newspapers from the week spread out.

Display plant pots, soil and seeds.

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