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Jezebel, the painted lady

Bible heroes and villains series


Prepare the space

Display pictures of babies, on the floor of the space you meet in, along with the words HERO, VILLAIN and CHOICE.

Introduce the theme

Jezebel was influenced by others to turn from God to worship other idols, to turn from being a hero, a follower of the one, true, God, to become a villain!
What things do you turn from God to focus on?
Who influences you?


Gathering activity

As the children enter, have available lots of playdough formed into different shapes. Give them freedom to create and mould as they will.

In your introduction explain that we are like the playdough, easily moulded and shaped, therefore we have to be careful who we spend time with.


Open the Word

Read 1 Kings 16.29-33 and 21.25.
You might use a children’s Bible or The Message version.
Ask the children to think about whyJezebel is a villain.
How did she reject God?




Creating make-up designs.

You will need : face paints or make-up, or paper plates and colouring pens.

  • Explain that Jezebel was known for having a lot of make-up. Make-up can be used to communicate a message to others: beauty, fun, anger, cultural identity.
  • Show the children pictures of different examples – stage make-up, war paint.
  • Invite the group to create their own make-up designs, either on paper plates using colouring pens or actual make­ up or face paints. Ask them to create a design of make-up that illustrates their personality, or a message they want to give to the world.

Oil and water

Experiment with mixing.

You will need : two glasses of water; food colouring; vegetable oil; a clear jug; the film Shrek and the means to play it.

  • Add food colouring and oil to one of the glasses of water.
  • Explain to the children that we are called to be good and follow God, even when others try to influence us.
  • Pour the clear water into the jug.
  • Explain that there are situations and people we are best not mixing with.
  • Pour the coloured, oiled, water into the jug.
  • Explain to the children that we should be like the oil; we need to separate ourselves from those who want us to sin, just as oil separates from water.


Session material on Bible villains:

Material on Bible 'heroes'

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