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Cain, the jealous brother

Bible heroes and villains series


Prepare the space

As the children enter the room give each either none, one, two or three sweets. Observe whether they share their ‘spare’ sweets? How do the children without sweets react?

Introduce the theme

Ask the children how they felt if they didn’t receive a sweet when they entered the room? Did those who received more than one sweet consider sharing?
Have there been occasions when they have felt jealous of others?

Gathering activity

A relay race

You will need : two large suitcases or bags; books; shoes; water bottles and any other heavy items.

  • Divide the group into two teams and provide both teams with a large suitcase.
  • At the other end of the space provide heavy items such as books, shoes, bottles of water.
  • Each child runs with the suitcase to the other end of the space and adds an item to the suitcase. Repeat the relay until all have had a go.
  • After the race explain that Jealousy and Anger are like the heavy suitcase: as we add them to our lives, they weigh us down.


Open the Word

Read Genesis 4.1-16. You might use a children’s Bible or The Message version.

Ask the children to think about why Cain is a villain.
How did he reject God?



Colour of jealousy

Art activity to consider the characteristics of jealousy.

You will need: art supplies: coloured pens and pencils, fabrics and materials of different texture and colour.

  • Ask the children to present ‘jealousy’ using the art materials provided.
  • They might prefer to draw a scene showing someone acting jealousy, or consider what colours might show jealousy.


Visual presentation of the impact of jealousy.

You will need : vinegar and baking soda; a glass and a bowl on a tray along with other items that you don't mind getting wet.

  • Set out the glass and bowl on the tray with the other items surrounding it.
  • Explain that our anger hurts not only us but others too. As you are saying this, fill the glass with baking soda and begin adding vinegar. Foam will form and then spill out, covering the items you have laid around the glass.


Session material on Bible villains:

Material on Bible 'heroes'

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