2011 marks the four hundredth anniversary of the publication of what became known as the King James Version of the Bible. ROOTS is offering a range of resources to help us celebrate this fourth centenary.
Listed below are various ROOTS resources for celebrating the Year of the Bible 2011.
You are very welcome to reproduce them for use within your church. Please ensure that the copyright line 'This resource is taken from www.rootsontheweb.com and is copyright © ROOTS for Churches Ltd.' is included.
Adult & All Age
In ROOTS Adult & All-age we have been publishing a series of articles on the impact of the Bible in English, and sermon notes on key passages from the Authorised Version.
Issue 51 January/February (published 1 Nov 2010)
ARTICLE Reading the Christian Bible: an encounter with the author of life
ALL-AGE SERVICE Travellers through eternity
Issue 52 March/April (published 6 Jan 2011)
ARTICLE The Bible in English: what did it mean?
SERMON A lively hope 1 Peter 1.3-9
Issue 53 May/June (published 1 March)
ARTICLE How do we understand? The challenge of translations
SERMON We do hear them speak in our tongues Acts 2.1-11
Issue 54 July/August (published 1 May)
ARTICLE Praise God: the influence of the vernacular Bible on British hymnody
SERMON Faith, hope and charity 1 Corinthians 13
Issue 55 September/October (published 1 July)
ARTICLE In our tongues: the influence of the English Bible on the creativity of Dissent
SERMON In the beginning God Genesis 1
Issue 56 November/December (published 1 Sept)
ARTICLE We have heard with our ears: the impact of the English Bible on literature
SERMON In the beginning was the Word John 1.1-14
Children & Young People
ROOTS Children & Young People provides a range of materials to explore the Bible, including ideas suitable for a holiday club
Issue 51 January/February (published 1 Nov 2010)
Introduction to the Bible and finding your way around it
Activities to encourage your group to get 'into' the Bible
Issue 52 March/April (published 6 Jan 2011)
Bible writing
Styles of writing in the Bible with suggestions for exploring the text
Issue 53 May/June (published 1 March)
Heroes and villains
Stories of people, their relationship with God and how they speak to us today
This material could be used as a focus for a holiday club, together with the material in issue 54.
Issue 54 July/August (published 1 May)
Heroes and villains
Stories of people who rejected God and some of the consequences
This material could be used as a focus for a holiday club together with the material from issue 53.
Issue 55 September/October (published 1 July)
Bible as revelation of God: God who makes the first move
What do we discover about God through the Bible?
Issue 56 November/December (published 1 September)
Celebrating the Bible
How can we help children and young people get to know the Bible, even a little bit of it, so that it touches their lives and they can feel its value, comfort and gifts?
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Introducing 2011, The Year of the Bible
In 2011 many people and organisations are celebrating the 400th anniversary of the King James translation of the Bible, and ROOTS is joining in, providing a range of additional materials that you can use to supplement the usual weekly material in order to mark the anniversary. Here, introducing the series, Frank Field MP, Chairman of the 2011 Trust explains what maes 2011 important.
Reading the Christian Bible
To mark the Year of the Bible in 2011, Arnold Browne, a New Testament scholar, describes the origins of some New Testament writings as the first generation of Jesus' followers sought to make sense of his life, death and resurrection in the context of the Hebrew Scriptures with which they had been raised.
Travellers through eternity
Be Bible detectives!
In the first in our series of resources to support your celebration of the Year of the Bible, the children’s and youth ministry team from the Methodist Church Connexional staff offer activities, ideas and suggestions to use with children and young people.
The Bible in English - what did it mean?
John Parr observes that the publication of the so-called King James’ Version of the Bible was arguably the most influential publishing event in the English-speaking world.
Words we have loved - A lively hope
To mark the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible in 1611, the 'Year of the Bible', Malcolm Guite has written a series of sermon notes on well-loved passages. Here he reflects on 1 Peter 1.3-9.
Book of Books - the variety of Bible writing styles
We continue our series marking the Year of the Bible as Richard Cleaves presents his perspective on the variety of styles we can find within the Bible, the book of books.
The Bible in English: The impact of translation
The last 50 years of the four centuries since the publication of the King James Version has seen a proliferation of English language versions of the Bible. Simon Oxley considers what lessons Christians can learn from our experience of the Bible in our own language.
Words we have loved - We do hear them speak in our tongues
To mark the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible in 1611, Malcolm Guite, an expert on the language of the period, has written a series of sermon notes on well-loved passages.
Bible heroes and villains: Heroes
Holiday club ideas focused on Bible characters
Praise God - The impact of the vernacular Bible on British hymnody
Andrew Pratt explains to us how the Bible in English influenced the development of hymn writing.
Words we have loved - The greatest of these is charity
Malcolm Guite explores one of the key themes of the Authorised Version of the Bible. Here he reflects on 1 Corinthians 13.
Bible heroes and villains: Villains
Holiday club ideas focused on Bible characters
The King James Version and the Dissenters
Baptist minister and writer, Alec Gilmore, suggests that to assess the impact of the King James Version on the dissenting tradition we need to remove some of the myths that surround its origins
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
To mark the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible in 1611, Malcolm Guite, an expert on the language of the period, has written a series of articles on well-loved passages
YotB 55 CYP God who makes the first move
Year of the Bible resource material for young people to help us discover more about God
We have heard with our ears: The impact of the English Bible on literature
Dana Delap reflects on the impact the King James Version has had on themes and language in literature, which burgeoned after its publication
Words we have loved
To mark the 400th anniversary of the Authorised Version of the Bible in 1611, Malcolm Guite, an expert on the language of the period, has written a series of sermon notes on well-loved passages.
Celebrating the Bible
Resource suggesting ways to engage with the treasure within the Bible