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Roots' Bread & Wine offering plus reflections, advice and stories about worship in a variety of contexts.

  Listen to the accompanying podcasts.


Bread & Wine

An invitation to intergenerational communion

Bread & Wine articles

Find out more about Bread & Wine: Roots' Communion resources for all ages

Middle East conflict: Uncomfortable questions through the lens of Scripture

John Parr, an Anglican priest with years of academic and personal experience in the Middle East, explores this challenging topic through the lens of various Bible passages including Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan.

Mental health - Making your church a place of sanctuary

​ In the UK, the 2025 Mental Health Awareness Week takes place from 12–18 May. Corin Piling, UK National Director of Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, unpacks how the Church can be a safer place for each of us when we experience mental health challenges.

Supporting young people with ADHD

Vicki Smith, Executive Director of Services at Growing Hope, shares some insights about the impact of ADHD in children and young people, and how to support them within church communities.

The power of mercy

How should Christians respond to a polarised world where people can be ‘cancelled’ for holding an opinion with which others do not agree? How can the Church offer second chances to people, rather than responding with judgement? Natalie Williams, author of a new book on the subject of mercy, outlines some pointers.    

Bereavement resources

A selection of resources to accompany the Roots podcast: Finding peace in a blue Christmas - embracing grief with compassion  

Heroes and villains: Re-imagining the battle of good vs evil with children  

Dr Jared Neusch, author of Jesus vs the Bad Guys: A Story of Love and Forgiveness, explores ways to explore stories of violence and non-violence with young people  

Build-up: The power of singing

Founder and Executive Director of Fischy Music, Stephen Fischbacher MBE, celebrates the huge potential that singing has for children and young people’s spiritual growth and personal wellbeing.

Grandparenting for faith

Becky Sedgwick is part of the Parenting for Faith team at BRF Ministries, author of Grandparenting for Faith and previously Children and Families Minister at her church. She lives in Wiltshire and volunteers with her church youth group and the local netball club. She’s not yet a grandparent but has recently become ‘grauntie’ to her first great-niece.

A missional toddler group

Juz Paice, head of kids mission and ministry at St Peter’s Anglican Church in Harrow, shares ways of making your toddler group distinctively Christian… without scaring everyone off!

Disability-friendly church

Ways to ensure disabled people are not alienated from church life

Lessons in chemistry

Making connections with schools by exploring faith and science

Dementia-friendly church

Julia Burton-Jones is Anna Chaplaincy’s Training and Development Lead. Anna Chaplaincy supports churches to offer spiritual care in later life. She unpacks how we can include people with dementia in church life and worship.Click on the article image to view a PDF.

How I choose music for Roots' weekly lectionary resources

Gillian Warson, Roots' music in worship adviser, gives an overview of how she goes about selecting music for each issue of Roots.

Under pressure

How church workers can help to support children’s mental health

The AI invasion: Preparing for a new era

Going beyond inclusion

Starting from scratch is possible!

Chris Curtis considers how there is hope for churches with no youth work or young people.

Step up

Ian Stackhouse, senior pastor at Millmead Baptist Church, Guildford, offers tips for honing your preaching skills.


Joanna Gordon offers guidance on setting up a toddler group at your church.

Workplace language in worship

Andy Flannagan describes the thinking behind LICC’s ‘Changing the soundtrack’ project.

Prayer spaces in schools

Tim Abbott, a founder member and GB Team Leader of Prayer Spaces in Schools, describes what they do and how they might help you.

A tapestry of colour

Chine McDonald reflects on racism and Scripture

Subscriber survey 2024: key findings

Thank you to everyone who completed our survey earlier this year. We've really appreciated the thought and time you put into your answers! We've worked our way through them and identified some patterns; we thought you'd like to see some of our key findings.

Roots outdoor resources

Lots of ideas to help you use nature and the great outdoors to worship and engage with your community

Using Roots in schools

Discover practical and relevant ways to explore the Bible in schools

New resources for Advent and Christmas 2024

Helping you reach out to your communities this Advent and Christmas

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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2025, Roots for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818.
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