Choose from a wide range of resources every week to suit your school. For example, you could:
- use Share the Word for a engaging way to introduce the Bible reading. This can include visual aids, drama, music...
- pose questions from Talk together and talk to God for children to discuss, then feed back
- sing together using our music suggestions
- draw to a close by encouraging everyday faith with Go with God
- pray to finish, using one of our specially-written prayers.
We partner with Same Boat Music (publishing in schools as Out of the Ark). Same Boat's songs are used for collective worship in many UK primary schools. Roots subscribers can download 12 free tracks a year from the Same Boat website, linked to the themes in the Roots resources. Children will know these lively songs already and will love to sing them in your assemblies!
We help you model the language of prayer to children. For each age range we offer prayers inspired by the Bible reading, in accessible language.
Use our weekly prayer activities during collective worship, or adapt them for a school prayer space. In Roots, you'll find a regular supply of fresh new ideas!
Our weekly Check-in reflection connects faith with real-life issues for young people. Published online each Thursday, it picks up on the week's headlines and/or draws on a key issue of concern (or fascination!) for young people.
Share it directly with your group, or use it as the basis of a talk - it's up to you. You can find it each week at
Harvest... Christmas... Easter... we offer a huge Seasons & festivals resource bank, helping you celebrate key events in the church calendar. If you'd like to bring a biblical perspective to primarily secular events (such as Halloween and Father's Day), you can find practical resources for those, too.
Share our weekly Thrive resource with families, to encourage them to open the Bible, pray and encounter God together at home.
Reflect for Schools
While our resources are extremely flexible and give you lots of choice, sometimes you may just need an 'off-the-shelf' plan that you can pick up and run with.
Well, we've done the work for you! We're currently trialling Reflect for Schools - a ready-made, weekly plan for classroom-based collective worship, drawn from our weekly resources.