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Dementia-friendly church

Julia Burton-Jones is Anna Chaplaincy’s Training and Development Lead. Anna Chaplaincy supports churches to offer spiritual care in later life. She unpacks how we can include people with dementia in church life and worship.

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Websites and downloadable resources

The Anna Chaplaincy blog has regular articles on spiritual care with people living with dementia: Blog | Anna Chaplaincy

Messy Vintage: taking Messy Church values and good practice to older people

Dementia-inclusive church guide | Livability ‘Travelling Together’

Support leading worship With older people | Methodist Homes (MHA)

Dementia and well-being | OutoftheBox Stories

Dementia resources | Pilgrims’ Friend Society

Dementia Friends programme | Alzheimer's Society

Music for Dementia



Joanna Collicutt, Thinking of You: A resource for the spiritual care of people with dementia, BRF, 2017

Thinking of You: a resource for the spiritual care of people with deme – BRFonline

John Swinton, Dementia: Living in the Memories of God, SCM, 2017: Theological and practical responses to dementia.


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