A variety of prayers for use on Remembrance Sunday
Gather up your children worn and weary
As one family, we reflect today on the horrors of the past
Lord God, who has seen every war
Prayers of intercession for Remembrance Sunday, suitable for leading into short periods of quiet contemplation.
God of all peoples and nations
Prayer of petition for those affected by war
A responsorial prayer for Remembrance
An all-age prayer for Remembrance Day
Responsive prayer reminding us that God gives us words of wisdom and that we need not be afraid.
Prayer asking God's healing for the suffering caused by war and violence.
Intercessions for Remembrance Sunday remembering those who suffer and reminding us of God's just judgement.
Prayer of communal confession for Remembrance Day.
Prayer concerning war and remembrance, particularly suitable for use with young people
God is good
It's difficult to see the point of wearing a poppy
A children's prayer for Remembrance
Prayer meditation for Remembrance Day
A prayer for Remembrance Sunday, for those too young to remember the events of war.
Thinking about those who suffer as a result of conflict
Ways to mark and remember important events and people
Elaine Halls offers resources to mark the signing of the Armistice in 1918.
Craftwork, prayer activites, and other ideas suitable for children
Two talks for Remembrance Sunday
Information about Leonard Cheshire, who was awarded the V.C. for achievements in WWII, but went on to achieve even more in helping others, establishing care homes
This story could be useful to prompt thought and reflection on the suffering caused by war, but needs to be handled sensitively
Resources for Remembrance Sunday
This set of communion prayers links with the stories of Naomi, Ruth and Hannah, as well as remembering those who have died in conflicts around the world.
An all-age service to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of WW1 on 4 August 1914. This service is appropriate for use at any time until the centenary of the end of the war.
A service for all ages on Remembrance Sunday
A service for Remembrance Sunday (2012)
World wide map showing the Commission's commitment
Based on the idea of using stone to create memorials
Extended resources for an all-age service to be used on or around Remembrance Sunday
Suggestions and ideas for a variety of remembrance or memorial occasions
An outline order for a service of remembrance and reflection
A service for all ages suitable for use at All Souls Day on 2 November
Reflection for Remembrance Day
Reflective reading on Remembrance and the devastation caused by war, most suitable for use with adults.
A poem for Remembrance Sunday
A short, simple poem for Remembrance Sunday
Insidious clouds - the terror spreads (Tune: Wareham - Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts); We cannot crow in victory (Tune: St Anne - O God our help in ages past)
1 Vulnerable God, hear the cries of your people; 2 Lives are the currency spent in war's carnage; 3 We look at people all around