Insidious clouds - the terror spreads (Tune: Wareham - Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts); We cannot crow in victory (Tune: St Anne - O God our help in ages past)
Andrew Pratt, a Methodist Minister, and well-known hymn writer wrote these song texts during the Iraq conflict.
Insidious clouds - the terror spreads (Tune: Wareham - Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts)
Insidious clouds - the terror spreads
as few are peaceful in their beds,
while cries are silenced by the roar
of fire as flames consume and soar.
And where is God when hatred burns?
Remote and safe beyond concerns?
A stable birth once gave the lie,
as did a mother's tear and sigh;
For, as she stood beneath a cross
and shared forsakeness and loss;
so now God dies a thousand deaths
and mothers gasp a thousand breaths.
The flames consume and lick and soar,
above the war planes dive and roar,
and in another stable bed
an orphaned child lays down her head.
You ask where is your God tonight?
So very near, not out of sight.
Too weak to help, yet strong in love,
she reaches to you, looks above.
Andrew Pratt © Stainer & Bell Ltd. Available for local use by those having a CCL Licence. Administered in the USA by Hope Publishing Company 19/3/2003
We cannot crow in victory (Tune: St Anne - O God our help in ages past)
We cannot crow in victory
when faced with human loss.
our actions will be judged against
the crisis of the cross.
The people who have lost their lives
leave brothers, sisters, friends.
The time that we will greet as peace
brings grief that never ends.
We are one body under God,
we share humanity;
the loss of one depletes us all
and clouds eternity.
Then let our worship bear the marks
of honesty and fear,
as humble penitential prayer
pervades the atmosphere.
May God forgive our recklessness,
dishonesty and lust,
May God forgive our lack of love.
May God rebuild our trust.
Andrew Pratt © Stainer & Bell Ltd. Available for local use by those having a CCL Licence. Administered in the USA by Hope Publishing Company 20/3/2003