Children's action prayer for Remembrance
Younger children
God (draw circle in air) is good (thumbs up sign) ,
God (draw circle in air) chooses me (point both forefingers out, then point at self) ,
God (draw circle in air) loves (draw heart in air) me (point to self) ,
God (draw circle in air) cares for me (hug yourself) .
Thank you, God, for choosing, loving and caring for me. Amen.
Older children
Ask the children to choose one thing from the displays, or a word or drawing from the Picture word game. Sit with a lit candle as a focus.
Loving God, today we have remembered things from the past and why they are important to us now. (Children in turn place objects/pictures/words around the candle.)
Thank you, God, for familiar things.
Today we remember all those who have died in wars. Help us when we feel worried, confused or afraid to remember the most important thing – that you are love and you love us.
AllThank you, God, for loving us. Amen.