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Related Bible reading(s): Matthew 5.1-12

Prayers of intercession

God of justice and mercy, hear our prayers

In humility and need, we gather our prayers for others.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

Headline news shocks us with so much cruelty, tragedy and suffering that we barely know where to begin in our praying for those in need, but you, O God, do hear us.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For those who do not know you, who do not know the depths of your love and care, who live with poverty of spirit and understanding, confusion and denial of you. For them all, may your Spirit speak to them and may the deeds and the words and the actions of how we live, shine with your Spirt for them. For those who know you but know they fall short of what you call them to be, give them encouragement to strive more and learn more and believe more.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who mourn, who have had their lives changed, turned upside down by the death of family friends or neighbours. In their grief may we and you be a comfort to them. A strength in times of trouble, a light to lead the way in their darkness.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those whose arrogance, pride and vanity stop them from seeing the truth about themselves and the needs of others. For those who do not know what humility is and where it might lead them.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who daily, no matter what the cost to themselves, speak out your words of truth, who live lives reflecting your glory, who each day step-out to help and heal and care and show your love even in face of danger.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who find it within them to forgive others who really repent, those who forgive for the good of others and society, those who show mercy and compassion.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

We pray for those who work for peace, who strive for peace, who yearn for peace. Those who engage at the highest levels of state seeking peace and those who stand on the battlefield yearning for conflict to end and peace to be restored. For those caught in the middle, who fell helpless and hopeless in the face of war and aggression.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For those peoples whose tragedies, injustice, crisis and suffering make the news headlines today.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

For our families, our friends, our neighbours, those we know and love and care for who need our prayers especially this day.

God of justice and mercy,
hear our prayers.

Hear our words, O God, and hear the yearnings of our hearts that we may walk humbly with you sharing love and generosity wherever we go.
In the name and for the sake of Jesus.

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