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Micah 6.1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1.18-31; Matthew 5.1-12

Share the Word

Adult & All Age

Share the Word

Ways to present Micah 6.1-8; Matthew 5.1-12

All age act of worship Session

Micah 6.1-8

This reading uses the language of the court – ‘plead your case’ – suggesting a courtroom scene as a suitable setting. A judge, seated at  a ‘bench’ (table), introduces the case (vv.1-2). Then, from the witness stand (a lectern, or similar), ‘the Lord’ presents his case (vv.3-5).  Up to four defendants respond (sitting on chairs, but standing to speak), reading vv.6-7, half a verse each in turn. Finally, the judge sums up and gives the ruling (v.8). The defendants bow to the judge and leave.


Matthew 5.1-12

The Beatitudes may be examples rather than a definitive list, inspired perhaps by the people Jesus saw gathered around him. You could  dramatise this by having a small crowd of people around an actor playing Jesus. The first half of each beatitude is said by someone from the crowd, to which Jesus responds. Alternatively, the crowd could be the congregation, with people standing to speak from their place.

A narrator begins by reading verses 1-2. Then verse 3 to 10 continue antiphonally – e.g. person: ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit’ followed by Jesus: ‘for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’. Jesus might take a moment to ponder his response before giving it. Verses 11-12 are a  little different: there is a whole verse for each part of the saying, and they are two statements rather than one, both clearly delivered by Jesus. Jesus should pause after verse 10, say verse 11 in a more sombre tone, then pause again before delivering verse 12 in a much  more upbeat way. It could help to link the readings together, and make it clear that the Beatitudes – written in the third person – are  about our attitudes and actions, if Jesus concludes with the end of the Micah reading: ‘What does the Lord require of you, but to do  justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?’

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Children & Youth

Share the Word

 Ways to present Matthew 5.1-12

Activities marked with an asterisk  next to the activity title are in addition to the resources in the Ready to go sessions. Suggested timings for these activities are also shown. NB The inclusion of additional activities varies from week to week.


 A version of the story for very young children

Very young childrens Session

Teach the children these simple hand signs to use as you tell the story. Each time they hear the word ‘bless’ they should hold their hands in  front of them; when they hear ‘kingdom’, ‘comfort’, ‘filled’, they should hold their hands up in the air.
God will bless those who are poor.
God’s kingdom belongs to them.

God will bless those who are sad.
They will find comfort.

God will bless those who hunger.
They will be filled.

God will bless those who want peace.
They are God's children.



Childrens Session

Read the story and pause at the  to share these points with the children (see Stop and share below). Then use the activity to explore the passage together. (10 mins)

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 Stop and share

  • Sometimes we might be sad or need help. God promises he will be with us. Being humble includes not showing off about things.
  • Being merciful and pure in heart includes being kind and not doing things that are wrong. Peacemakers are people who try and help others when they fall out.
  • People can say unkind things about Christians. God understands when we are upset.
  • Prophets were given a message from God to tell the people, but they were treated badly sometimes too.


Blessing balls   E

  • Help the children to understand the word ‘blessed’. Explain that it can be about understanding that God is with us and cares about us. Some of these blessings seem hard, but God is with us and will give us good things in difficult times.
  • Invite the children to sit with their hands curled into a ball. Each time they hear the word ’blessed’, they reach both hands out forwards with fingers spread out wide. Give a moment at the end of each 'blessed' so they can curl their hands back into a ball.



Young people Session

Halve it  5 mins  W E

  • Divide the group into two. One group should read aloud the first half of each beatitude, ‘Blessed are….’ and the other half will respond with the second half, ‘for they will…’
  • Discuss: What difficulties in life do we have to respond to? How can those difficulties help us grow?


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