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Micah 6.1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1.18-31; Matthew 5.1-12

Very young children's session

Jesus draws huge crowds to listen to him. He declares God’s blessing with something of a reversal of fortunes on those who are suffering, and also on those who are merciful, pure in heart and peacemakers.

This week we explore opportunities for growth in life’s darker times.


Very young children's Session

Provide the following play materials for very young children throughout the session: selection of building blocks.

Very young childrens Session

 Gathering song

Sing to the tune: Hickory, dickory, dock

We have a friend we can trust,
who shows us that faith is a must.
When things get tough, and life feels rough,
walk even closer to God.


 Walking the difficult times 5 mins S

You will need: a winding path with some difficulty according to the ages of the children. The ‘walls’ made from soft toys or soft clothing with some ‘roadblocks’ they must step over.

  • Children walk the path heel to toe, other than stepping over the roadblocks. Explain that sometimes, walking through life can be hard, but God promises to be with us and give good things.

Share the Word
Very young childrens Session

Teach the children these simple hand signs to use as you tell the story. Each time they hear the word ‘bless’ they should hold their hands in  front of them; when they hear ‘kingdom’, ‘comfort’, ‘filled’, they should hold their hands up in the air.
God will bless those who are poor.
God’s kingdom belongs to them.

God will bless those who are sad.
They will find comfort.

God will bless those who hunger.
They will be filled.

God will bless those who want peace.
They are God's children.

Explore and respond
Very young childrens Session

Growing rhythm

Explore growth in difficult times

Stand together and invite everyone to curl up in a small ball. Bang a drum or clap a rhythm and encourage the children to slowly reach up and grow tall as you do. Repeat this saying: 'Even in the difficult times God is with us and we can grow with him'.


Rich soil

Make a symbol of growing with God

Provide small plant pots, soil and bulbs. Half fill the pot, add the bulb and then hide the bulb away in the soil. As you do, talk about how the bulb, hidden away in the dark soil, will be growing until it is ready to poke through and flower.

Very young childrens Session

A prayer for very young children: Bubble prayers

Practise blowing bubbles and watching them grow.
Blow bubbles again, as you pray:

Bless all those who are sad, or ill
or just having a bad day.
May everyone know that God is with us, all of the time'.

Very young childrens Session
Childrens Session

Activity sheet


Scratch art  S

Make a symbol of good things coming out of darkness 

You will need: A5 scratch art cards, or make your own ahead of time, toothpicks or similar.

  • Invite the children to write their name on their scratch art card. The beautiful colours will shine through the dark. Talk about God’s promise to give good things in difficult times. 
Go with God
Very young childrens Session


To the tune: This old man

As we go, we must show
all the ways God helps us grow.
We’ve a toolkit, stop and think, what would Jesus do?
He’ll always be guiding you!

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